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Ag Trading Systems Launches AG Trading Platform

An Innovative Online Venue To Trade Feed Commodities

Lubbock, Texas Sep 17, 2024 ( – Ag Trading Systems, LLC. (ATS) is pleased to announce the launch of their cloud-based brokerage trading platform designed from the ground-up to connect Buyers and Sellers of physical agricultural commodities throughout the USA. Over two-years in development and testing, the online platform features Bids and Offers for various agricultural commodities ranging from wheat, corn, soybeans, by-products from various ag products and all types of animal feed. The system was designed for both individual Buyers and Sellers, as well as ‘Buyer’s Agents’, which trade on behalf of numerous clients.

Ag Trading Systems originated on the High Plains of Texas to offer better connections for those in the U.S. agricultural commodity feed trade. The need to enhance trade of agricultural commodities exists throughout America, and Ag Trading Systems (ATS) was developed specifically to fulfill this unique need.” states Koby Reed, Founder of Ag Trading Systems, LLC. He continues: “We developed a new platform to link buyers and sellers with this distinctive digital marketplace. Our online platform creates greater exposure to a larger market and provides for a faster, more accurate price discovery mechanism within the industry.

Ag Trading Systems allows registered users the ability to list offers and bids on commodity products they are looking to sell or buy. Users can also buy or sell other listings at the listed price or conversely ‘Make Offers’ or ‘Make Bids’ against the listed commodity. Other features of the site include a unique ‘Private Trading Groups’ section that permits users to interact and trade within a closely trusted group of buyers and sellers. Additionally, once registered, users can ‘Request a Bid’ or ‘Request an Offer’ if they are looking to secure pricing options from other registered users.

About Ag Trading Systems, LLC.: Founded and headquartered in Lubbock, Texas, Ag Trading Systems is an online agricultural commodity exchange designed to facilitate registered users to buy and sell commodities as well as request quotes on future pricing. Users can trade publicly or in-private, within defined ‘Private Groups’ in a secure online environment. Contracts, payment and delivery are established within the scope of a transaction to ensure an equitable trade for all concerned parties. Visit for more information.

Contact for Ag Trading Systems, LLC.:
Koby Reed, Founder at: (888) 242-4030

Media Contact

Ag Trading Systems, LLC.

(888) 242-4030

Source :Ag Trading Systems, LLC.

This article was originally published by EMWNews. Read the original article here.


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