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Astro-Synthesis Essential Oil Blending Course by Dr. Bruce Berkowsky is Available Now

The Astro-synthesis blending technique is used to create deep-acting personalized essential oil blends based on astrological signs. This new course will help aromatherapists learn the art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing™ and apply it to make this blend.

Mount Vernon, Washington Aug 8, 2024 ( – An online course is now available that teaches you to create a customized, personal SPE Astro-Synthesis Blend. Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) Astro-Synthesis Blending involves the development of a deep-acting, soul-level healing blend for someone, based in part on their astrological signs.

Order this course to receive 3 SPE Reference Guides to formulate a SPE Astro-Synthesis Custom Constitutional Blend:
1. SPE Repertory of Essential Oils
2. SPE Astro-Synthesis Blend Reference Guide
3. SPE Astrological Dialectics, Miasms, and Tree of Life Vessels Psychological Keynotes, Reference Guide

Additionally 4 class recording videos spanning over 4 hrs 45 mins by Dr. Berkowsky are included to help you learn this technique.

In Spiritual PhytoEssencing, the term archetype refers to a unique intangible construct of the soul that generates a pattern of characteristic potentials. Accordingly, particular identifiable patterns of emotions and physical predispositions are viewed as tangible expressions of underlying psycho-spiritual archetypes. In turn, these expressions are considered to be archetypal images. In SPE, we select blends that focus in on the archetypes rather than the archetypal images. The archetypal images are used to identify the underlying archetypes. This is one of the reasons why SPE blends are so much deeper acting on a psychospiritual level than conventional aromatherapy blends.

In SPE, astrological signs are considered to be major soul archetypes that carry a great deal of information regarding a person’s inherent soul nature. A SPE Astro-Synthesis Blend utilizes this information to help a person return to the “beginning of herself,” in other words to return from a lifelong pattern of operating from her outer “me,” which does not represent who she truly is, to her inner “I” – her true soul nature. Deep psychospiritual SPE blending work grows out of the central concept that it is only when someone operates from the platform of her true inner identity can she achieve true health and wholeness of being.

Using the resources provided in this course, you can learn SPE Astro-Synthesis Blending and prepare one for yourself. They are indeed deep-acting and can help leverage you into a deeper orbit of self-understanding and daily consciousness.

Learn more and order the course on

Media Contact

Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.


PO box 2090

Source :Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.

This article was originally published by EMWNews. Read the original article here.


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