Bodhi’s Journey GoFundME CrowdFunding Exposure Campaign

Help for my disabled grandson and his family. Bodhi’s journey has not been easy, and he still has more hurdles to overcome. Born premature at 24 weeks in August of 2017, weighing only 1 lb 8 oz, the doctors were somewhat skeptical that he would survive.

But Bodhi is a fighter, and he proved them wrong.

The first year of Bodhi’s life was spent in the hospital. First in the Neonatal ICU, then in Pediatrics ICU. During that time, he had heart surgery, surgery for a hernia, and many other procedures to help him live.

In September of this year, after celebrating his first birthday in the hospital, he was finally able to come home, but with a trach and oxygen concentrator to breathe, and a feeding tube in his belly so that he can be given food and medicines. He is attached to a machine that monitors his heart rate and oxygen levels, and he needs to be suctioned often to remove secretions that accumulate in his lungs. He receives breathing treatments to help clear his lungs, and his parents do a patting procedure on his back daily to help break up the secretions. He cannot make verbal sounds like most babies because of his trach, but he can smile and show love.

The cost of his medical needs, medicines, food and other monetary needs is daunting.

Bodhi’s mom, Sarah, does not work outside the home. Her full-time job is caring for this wonderful child, and Bodhi’s dad, Chad, works many hours a week, and shares the care of Bodhi when he is home. Bodhi’s parents work tirelessly to care for this bright, happy child, so that one day he will no longer need a trach, a feeding tube or monitor, and just be able to be a child.

His parents have never asked for anything but have always been first to give to, and to help, others. This page has been created to help them now.

Anything you give will help them with his medical needs, his medications and all the other monetary costs that accompany his journey of life. Please help the Register Family, help Bodhi, continue his journey.

Thank you so much.

For more info: http://