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Daniel Dejanovic to Lead Tributes Marking Over 12 Years Since Brother Christian’s Tragic Death

Remembering Christian Dejanovic: A Tribute to Family and Legacy

Berlin, Germany Jul 23, 2024 ( – Christian Dejanovic heroically dashed ahead of an oncoming train to rescue a young girl perilously crossing the tracks on January 24th, 2012. His selfless act cost him his life, but his bravery was recognized posthumously with the Bravery Medal awarded by the Governor-General.

Amplifying the profound resonance of Christian’s sacrifice, his brother, Daniel Dejanovic, has been at the forefront of recent tributes to his late brother. Offering heartfelt reflections, Daniel shared, “It has been more than 12 years since my brother’s passing, yet the pain still feels fresh, as if it were yesterday. Not a day passes without thoughts of him crossing my mind. His courage and bravery continue to serve as a source of inspiration for me, guiding me through each day.”

Every year, a ceremony is held to honor Christian and countless others who have lost their lives at level crossings. Victoria has unveiled its inaugural memorial dedicated to these individuals, located at the entrance of St Albans Station, near the once-infamous level crossing where Christian made his ultimate sacrifice. This memorial serves as a permanent tribute to their memory.

Over the past decade, tragic incidents like Christian’s have unfolded at 50 perilous level crossings across Victoria, claiming the lives of 20 individuals. These somber reminders of the dangers these crossings pose fuel a collective determination to eliminate these death traps and ensure the safety of all who travel through them.

Christian’s selfless act will forever be remembered, and his legacy will inspire ongoing efforts until every dangerous level crossing is a thing of the past.

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Source :Cerberus Capital Management

This article was originally published by EMWNews. Read the original article here.


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