Disease & flood relief for Kerala GoFundME CrowdFunding Exposure Campaign

Helping local families in the state of Kerala with post flood related trauma. On August 15th of 2018 just 3 months ago, severe floods affected Kerala. A south western state in India.

There was tremendous rainfall and it was one of the worst floods in Kerala’s history. The lives lost during the flood are 500+ and a million+ people were evacuated.  In the time after the flooding, the state saw a outpouring of donations and affection by the world.

My friend Kumar, lives locally in the Kundoor / Thirumukkulam area of Kerala. Even though his home was on higher ground than most of his neighbors, his home’s first floor was flooded when the rains came. For 5 days his family survived on the upper floor of the home without power, running water, or food, hoping the rain would stop.

The flooding caused property damage and crop destruction, not to mention loss of livestock. Disruption of local businesses, has seen loss of income for many. Electricity, transport, communication, and healthcare is still on the mend.

General health conditions have deteriorated because of prevalent waterborne illnesses. Caring for sick elderly or children has kept more people home, and away from work.

Families near Kumar are dealing with the trauma of a sick or lost loved one, property damage, loss of business, or even their own deteriorating health.

These funds will be distributed and directly aid families dealing with the many issues I’ve described. Kumar is the coordinator on site in the Kundoor / Thirumukkulam area.

I live in the states, but I’ve known Kumar my whole life. I trust him implicitly to carry out this task with the utmost diligence and fortitude.

I thank you for the love you have in your heart, to even be on a page designed to quell suffering in the world. I thank you for your discerning intellect to have a pledge of your income available to you for endeavors of importance. And I thank you for your hearty and urgent contribution to this cause.

Kind Regards,
— H. Singh (Cambridge, MA)


For more info: http://https://www.gofundme.com/disease-amp-flood-relief-for-kerala