
Give Skip The Dog A Good Send Off

Skip is our belovèd dog who we’ve had for 9 years. He is roughly 16 years old. He’s been a wonderful friend, an excellent bed warmer, a perfect hoover, and the life and soul of our household! He has looked after his ‘people puppy’, my son, with true dedication, and has been a friendly face to have around the place. All the dog walkers recognize him when my mother takes him for walks round the park, and all the local cats recognize him and run!

However, in the last year, Skip has suffered a stroke, and has got progressively worse. He’s become very wobbly on his feet, and doesn’t have much eyesight left. His continence is not what it used to be, he completely ignores cats and the postman: he doesn’t appear to be enjoying life quite so much anymore. We know our time with Skip is limited.

Lately we’ve hit a bit of a financial rut. We moved house a couple of years ago, and one thing and another, balancing books has been hard. We’ve been scraping by, but have nothing in reserve for when the time comes to send Skip to the great park in the sky. We would dearly love to have his ashes back, and put him to rest in his favourite grassy field. You know, run free in the breeze like he did before. We have been informed by our local vet however, this will be somewhat costly, in the region of £250.

Any little donation will be of great help, and will eventually build up to help us to give our truly loved family dog, Skip, the good send off he deserves. Thank you very much for taking the time to consider him, it is greatly appreciated.

– Amber

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