Help a good boy walk again! GoFundME Boost CrowdFunding Campaign

My dear friends! We wanted to take the time and tell you about Tobin. Tobin is the goodest good boy I know. Very affectionate and well raised Rottie. Very fond of sleeping in bed and terrorising squirrels. Tobin also have IVDD. A month ago, we noticed him lagging behind during walkouts and he clearly was not his usual self. Anxious behaviour, less motivated, less activity, not eating, collapsing and scrabbling on his back legs.

The vet advised conservative management. One evening he lost the use of his back legs completely. An emergency referral that Tobin had intervertebral disc disease took us forward and the results showed an exploded intervertebral disc known as Hensen Type 1 Extrusion. We created this GoFundMe campaign so we can help Tobin back on his feet. A surgery is needed, but very costly.

He also needs to undergo a very rigorous treatment and round the clock care. Any amount you can donate would help, as medical care for pets is extremely expensive. We wouldn’t ask for help if we didn’t need. Thanks for supporting us!

For more info: http://