Helping Thom’s Family

After years of caring for my husband & kids’ father with a traumatic brain injury who suffered early onset memory loss and early onset dementia, he now requires 24 hour care as his needs surpass what I can provide on my own and for his safety as well as our own and his medical needs. Our household income consisted of my husbands social security for quite some time as not only did he require care in the home but I have chronic illness and chronic pain conditions that prevent me from being able to work outside the home & am waiting while my own case is still in review. We will soon have to move to a more affordable housing, which we have been living above our means for quite some time to accommodate his needs for privacy & quite as well as seclusion in order to be able to be himself as needed, if he were having any symptoms as behavioral issues often accommodated. Also, we have a vehicle in need of major repair and the school year is coming up and we have 3 children who are in need of school clothes and supplies. Any amount is greatly appreciated & would be an Amazing blessing!