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How ZillionPathways Innovative Roleplay Simulations are Changing Healthcare Training for Hospitals and Clinics

ZillionPathways new form of role-play simulations is proving to be a game-changer in preparing healthcare professionals for challenges of dealing with People in the Artificial Intelligence Age where change is happening real-time (www.zillionpathways)

Dubai, United Arab Emirates Aug 11, 2024 ( – ZillionPathways, a UAE based Training company that has trained thousands of students and employees has started offering AI & Simulation based Training in Healthcare for Hospitals and Clinics.

Training in Healthcare for soft skills is critically important, as seen from the reputed data below:

The Harvard Business Review noted that hospitals that implemented communication skills training saw a 27% improvement in overall efficiency, including reduced patient wait times and increased throughput.
A survey conducted by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement found that healthcare organizations investing in soft skills training for their staff experienced a 14% increase in operational efficiency.
Training in emotional intelligence and stress management, which are critical soft skills, has been linked to a 28% decrease in burnout rates among healthcare workers.
A study published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology found that healthcare workers who received training in conflict resolution and stress management reported a 35% increase in job satisfaction.

And the best way to train is to use Immersive Simulations which use extensive Peer-to-Peer group discussions and real-life roleplay examples. These are proved to be 75% more effective than other types of training.

Developed by ZillionPathways, these simulations cover a wide range of real-world scenarios, from handling irate patients to convincing patients for complex medical procedures like robotic surgery. By immersing participants in lifelike situations with extensive group discussions, the simulations equip healthcare workers with essential skills in communication, leadership, cross selling, and patient care.

A key feature of these simulations is their focus on cultural, and age competencies. With patients from diverse backgrounds, becoming increasingly common, the ability to communicate effectively across culture, language and age is vital. The simulations address this by presenting participants with patients from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, as well as different age groups by enhancing their cross-cultural communication skills.

“Our simulations are designed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application,” said Ronald Olivera, the CEO of ZillionPathways. “By creating realistic scenarios, we empower healthcare professionals to develop the confidence, skills and most importantly, Empathy to excel in their roles.”

The effectiveness of these simulations is evident in their widespread adoption across various sectors. From schools and corporations to colleges and universities, the program has yielded impressive results. The simulations have been featured in prominent news outlets highlighting their impact on improving performance, motivation, teamwork, efficiencies and job satisfaction.

The Healthcare sector in the Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and the UAE, has shown keen interest in this innovative training method. The region’s focus on healthcare excellence aligns perfectly with the goals of these simulations.

Research indicates that participants who undergo these simulations experience a 75% improvement in their ability to manage real-world challenges compared to traditional training methods. The simulations have been praised for their ability to foster a culture of respect for patients and colleagues, while also developing strong leadership qualities.

As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, the demand for highly skilled and adaptable professionals will only increase. AI, if harnessed well can be a tremendous benefit rather than danger, and ZillionPathways has started to use AI to provide cutting-edge training solutions that meet the needs of healthcare organizations in the Middle East. It is an approach that is innovative and offers clients in the Healthcare industry the best of both worlds – World class quality at an effective cost.  The use of AI Avatars rather than Human beings for Roleplay simulations has brought such high-end training into a more cost effective zone compared to a few years ago, when it was expensive to develop and deploy.

Welcome to the Artificial Intelligence Age!

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Source :ZillionPathways

This article was originally published by EMWNews. Read the original article here.


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