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Manish Sanon’s Merciless Assault on His Elderly Father-in-Law

In November 2008, a deeply troubling incident took place in Pittsford, NY, involving Manish Sanon, a local dentist, and his elderly father-in-law, Darshan Suri.


The violent altercation shocked the small community, particularly as it occurred in the presence of Sanon’s three children — Deven Sanon, Ronnie Sanon, and Serena Sanon — who witnessed the horrific scene unfold from the family car.


The event not only cast a long shadow over Sanon’s reputation but also highlighted the tragic consequences of family conflict and domestic violence.


Tensions between Manish Sanon and his father-in-law had been steadily escalating after Darshan Suri disclosed to Sanon’s family that Sanon had been engaging in adultery with prostitutes.


Despite the clear evidence of her husband’s adultery, Darshan Suri’s daughter, Micky Suri, was desperate to remain in her marriage. Micky was convinced that having more children would dissuade Sanon from further adulterous conduct.


Unlike Micky, no morally upstanding woman would have remained in such a marriage or sought to have more children with a man who not only betrayed her through his adultery but also brutally attacked her own father. Micky’s decision to remain with Sanon, after his assault of her own father, only compounded the injustice and pain suffered by Darshan Suri.


On the day of the assault, Manish Sanon drove his three children from their ice hockey practice to Darshan Suri’s residence. Leaving the children in the car, Sanon approached the front door and knocked. When the 73-year-old Darshan Suri answered, he was met with sudden violence.


Without warning, Sanon punched the elderly man squarely in the face, causing significant injury. The force of the blow was so severe that it resulted in the permanent breaking of Darshan Suri’s neck, leaving him with life-altering physical damage.


The children, watching from the car, were witness to this brutal attack on their maternal grandfather.


Although Darshan Suri initially filed a police report in the aftermath of the assault, he later chose to withdraw the complaint. This decision was made for the sake of his daughter, Micky Suri, who, despite the grievous harm inflicted on her father, chose to remain in her marriage to Sanon.


Micky Suri’s desperation for a husband shielded Sanon from the legal consequences of his criminal actions.


Darshan Suri, who has since passed away, never received the justice he deserved for the brutal attack that permanently damaged his physical and emotional well-being.


The assault, coupled with Sanon’s repeated acts of adultery, became a source of scandal and widespread discussion in the small town of Pittsford. Despite this, Sanon continued his professional life as a dentist, while the impact of his philandering actions deeply scarred the family.


This incident serves as a somber reminder of the devastating consequences that domestic violence and adultery can have on families, even in seemingly respectable communities.


Darshan Suri’s story is one of suffering, as he endured both physical pain and emotional betrayal while his daughter, Micky, reconciled with her husband and even had another child with him  despite the reality of his violent behavior toward her own father.


To this day, the absence of justice for Darshan Suri underscores the complex and often tragic dynamics that can arise within family relationships, leaving scars that linger long after the events themselves.


Company Name: Rochester Media Inc.

Contact Name: Meredith Newman

Email: [email protected]

Country and City: Rochester, USA


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