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Martinus new book JFK “GRACE – TRUTH” reveals shocking: Jackie Kennedy was JFK’S Executioner and Hangman personified!

Profiler Dr R F Martinu book exposes conspiracy commit High Treason involving Vice President Lyndon B Johnson, Chief Justice Earl Warren, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, former CIA Chief Allen Walsh Dulles, as well Texas Governor John Connally.

Dallas, Texas Aug 27, 2024 (EMWNews.com) – The assassination of the 35th US President John F Kennedy was shrouded in mystery for decades, but author, psychologist-profiler Dr. Roman F Martinu has now brought the truth to light in his latest book:


-Subtitle: Joint High Treason: “THE MILK IN CORPUS CHRISTI”

With his shocking revelation of the actual role of former First Lady Jackie Kennedy as JFK’s executioner and hangman personified. The book exposes the conspiracy to commit high treason involving Vice President Lyndon B Johnson, Chief Justice Earl Warren, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, former CIA Chief Allen Walsh Dulles, and Texas Governor John Connally. 

Martinu’s book, titled “JFK’s Executioner: The Horrific Truth Behind the Assassination,” is based on extensive research and analysis of SFB and CBS radio archives*. These archives, which were recently made public, contain crucial evidence that was overlooked for decades. Presents the compelling case that Jackie Bouvier Kennedy was merely playing the grieving widow, providing irrefutable evidence that proves beyond a doubt, a key figure in her husband’s assassination. She flew with LBJ and other traitors on board Air Force One, while JFK’s coffin was transported in the cargo hold of the replacement plane to Andrews-Air-Force-Base. So much for the myth of the weeping widow who supposedly remained mourning next to the open coffin of her murdered husband during the entire flight back to Washington!

According to Martinu, it was Jackie who indirectly pulled the trigger for the assassination with the help of her brother-in-law and JFK’s youngest brother, Ted Kennedy, Vice President Johnson, and Chief Justice Warren. The book delves into the motives behind this heinous act of treason, including political power and unspeakable revenge. Martinu’s research reveals the involvement of other prominent figures in conspiracy and paints a chilling picture of events. It was undoubtedly a staged coup that led to the death of the 35th US President.

CBS* radio live broadcast, which was intercepted by chance, reported on the swearing-in of LBJ on the tarmac of Love-Field-Dallas-Airport, outside Air Force One! This means that the photo circulated by Warren report with 27 witnesses, which shows LBJ’s swearing-in ceremony on board Air Force One, has been exposed as a fake. The photo must have been taken days, if not weeks, before JFK’s assassination. The final, unequivocal proof that the assassination was meticulously planned long in advance and proved the coup d’état was provided by the traitor Jackie Bouvier Kennedy, with her legendary pink Chanel suit.

JFK’s murderer turns out to be a profi-killer, which historic radio reporting reveals. The mystery surrounding the assassination of JFK took a new turn when it was recently revealed that the fatal shot was fired from the 5th floor of the Praetorian Tower department store by a sniper with a precision rifle and telescopic sight. This enabled the profi-killer to fire the highly accurate shot from a long distance. This shocking information was revealed by historic radio coverage by SFB-CBS* and shed new light on the events of that fateful day.

New information refutes the previous assumption that the shots were fired from the Elm Street school book warehouse, where Lee Harvey Oswald was allegedly staying. This new fact refutes the previous lone gunman narrative and raises questions about the actual involvement of Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby. The investigation into the assassination of President Kennedy is now coming to an end, and the truth behind this tragic, horrific event of coup d’état and high treason has finally come to light.

The publication of “JFK’s Executioner” has caused a stir in the media and among historians, with many calling for a re-examination of the evidence and a more in-depth investigation into Jackie Kennedy’s role. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in the truth behind one of the most infamous events in American history.

Dr Roman F Martinu an Austrian citizen, from Vienna who holds a doctorate in economics, a master’s degree in psychology, and works as a financial and real estate economist in Berlin at his own company Contentus.

With his in-depth knowledge in this field, the author has worked as a profiler on many fascinating global issues.

Previously, the author published “BUCK WARS” “Our Currency but Your Problem” in 2017.

Book-Info: LINK to book_sample_pdf download:


YouTube proof video presents the irrefutable facts of the radio recordings within 20 minutes!

Readers can find the latest book JFK “GRACE & TRUTH” “TERRIBLE SHOWERS OF TRUTH” as an e-book or softcover at https://publishde.bookmundo.com/rfm

*SFB-CBS Source:(Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv) https://www.dra.de/de/

Media Contact

Contentus Sales & Consulting LTD / GF Dr Dipl Kfm Roman F Martinu

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Source :Contentus Sales & Consulting LTD

This article was originally published by EMWNews. Read the original article here.


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