Business News

New Online Community Empowers People with a Passion For Interior Decorating

2008-07-29 02:00:00

New Online Community Empowers People with a Passion For Interior Decorating

The SDP, (The Society of Decorating Professionals) recently launched The Decorating Voice: A blog dedicated to people who want to connect with others who are in various stages of starting and running their own decorating related business.

Chicago (EMWNews) July 29, 2008 — Do you have a passion for decorating? Do your friends and family love what you created in your home? Has anyone ever told you that you should start your own home decorating business? They may be right; home decorating is a multi-billion dollar business. The trend toward entertaining at home and “stay-cations” is encouraging more people to look around their own home with new eyes. This, combined with the popularity of HGTV, TLC, and other cable channels devoted to creating a beautiful space, is making the art of interior decorating more appealing to all income levels. People, who never before would have considered using a decorating professional, are now looking for help to make their nest a more comfortable place to be. This could mean business for you. So where do you start?


I never would have thought of that.

The Society of Decorating Professionals (THE SDP) recently launched The Decorating Voice: A blog dedicated to people who want to explore the possibilities and connect with others who are in various stages of starting and running their own small business.

“The vision for the Decorating Voice was to educate and inspire individuals who are building a decorating related business or creating their own beautiful house, ” said JoAnne Lenart-Weary, a founding member of the SDP. “It’s quickly become a great community for those with a passion for decorating, whether professionally or the DIY looking for new ideas for their own home.”

The site has a core of 5 writers, each hand selected based on their ability to benefit the reader: Anne Doherty, a UK Real Estate stager, who also resides in the US. She brings an interesting international flavor to the staging forum. Cheryl Cousins, a soulful Atlanta decorator, takes a look at the personal side of decorating. DesAnn Collins, a marketing powerhouse, tackles business and marketing, while sharing ideas of how to create a demand for your business. JoAnne Lenart-Weary , known as the Queen of Decorating, will show you how to create a home or office that encourages people to say, “I never would have thought of that.” The team is rounded out by Marleen Prater, The SDP Blogging Liaison, who will keep you updated on what is happening at The SDP and the decorating industry at large.

The blog encourages creativity, with readers and professionals sharing tips, photos, and insights on how to approach the decorating process with a wide variety of topics, such as interior redesign, real estate staging, seasonal decorating, the power of color, interior decorating, business, and more. Readers are encouraged to participate in discussions and even write their own relevant blog.

The site has RSS feeds and participants can sign up for emails and events in their area.

“This is an exciting time for the decorating business and The Decorating Voice,” added Marleen Prater, “It is a place where people can learn, network and share in the excitement. It’s all about the dialogue.”

Discover it for yourself at TheDecoratingVoice/

The Society of Decorating Professionals

Media Contact: JoAnne Lenart-Weary

Phone: 814-440-3044

Email: [email protected]

The SDP is the international voice of entrepreneurial decorating professionals who are expert in a variety of interior decorating specialties. The organization serves the public by providing connections to talented, creative, and trustworthy business owners with a passion for creating beautiful spaces. It serves members by raising the bar in IACET certification standards, ongoing education, and providing member networking opportunities. Classes include Interior Redesign Training, Home Staging, Color with no Regrets, and Train-the-Trainer.

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