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Notice for Businesses: Google Business Profile Websites Shutting Down

Google Business Profile websites are shut down, effective March 5, 2024. Although temporary redirects to associated Google Business Profiles are in place until June 10, 2024

Austin, Texas Jun 10, 2024 ( – At MriseM Hero, we help businesses establish a strong online presence. Today’s article is crucial for businesses that previously relied on websites created through Google Business Profiles. you should find an alternative solution to the website Why What is the most appropriate alternative for my current situation and my budget? Don’t worry, this is exactly what you are talking about in the article.

Next Steps for Businesses Affected by Google Business Profile Website Closure:
While the temporary redirect to your Google Business Profile provides a brief cushion, establishing a dedicated website remains crucial for long-term success. Determining the most suitable alternative depends on your specific needs and budget.

The following insights, based on common business owner categories, can help you navigate your options:

Established Businesses with Online Presence:

Description: You have a social media audience, positive Google Business Profile reviews, or both.
Recommendation: Consider investing in a professionally developed website for a fully customized and optimized online experience.

Beginner Businesses with Limited Online Presence:

Description: You are new to social media and haven’t yet created a Google Business Profile.
Recommendation: Start with a simple landing page or a few web pages to establish your online presence. This initial step allows you time to learn more about local SEO, your competitors, and how to build your online audience.
How to analyze your current situation
The quick way is to go to semrush
Use the Organic Research tool to see how your website ranks for relevant keywords.
Use the Backlink Audit tool to identify and disavow low-quality backlinks.

Build your new website:

Established Businesses with Online Presence:
Website Builders: User-friendly platforms like Wix and Shopify offer drag-and-drop functionalities, empowering individuals with limited technical expertise to create functional websites. Freemium models often exist to initiate the process. But it is somewhat expensive Content Management Systems (CMS): WordPress, a popular CMS, provides extensive customization options and a vast library of themes and plugins. However, it requires a higher level of technical knowledge for setup and maintenance. But it is somewhat expensive.
An important piece of advice: If you are still new and do not know what is right for you, create a free website on Google Sites as a temporary solution, and make sure it has a unique domain name that bears your trade name. You can get it from a site like Namecheap at $5.98 only code (NEWCOM598). While moving to a professional site with the same domain, this is important.
Beginner Businesses with Limited Online Presence:
Alternative site based: by Whitespark AM on a page that exactly matches the page you’re missing and which pulls details from your Google Business Profile so it’s always accurate and up to date. One dollar value.
Google Sites: It is free and better than the page that you will lose in that you can create pages for your site together. This is a temporary solution for you until you enhance your business profile on Google and social media. I recommend that you get a domain name that bears your business name. You can get it from a site like Namecheap at $5.98 only code (NEWCOM598). While moving to a professional site with the same domain, this is important.

Next Steps After creating a website

Update your Google Business Profile:
Add your website to your Google Business Profile
Redirect visitors to your new domain
This is one benefit of getting a new domain from Namecheap. By redirecting from the old domain to the new one.
For further guidance and assistance read my complete guide. Feel free to reach out through our forum. We hope this article was useful in navigating the transition. I hope the article was useful.


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MriseM Hero


Source :MriseM Hero

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.


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