Crowd Funding News

Please help Valentin walk Jerry Gregg GoFundMe Campaign

Valentin is a special young man that needs an operation to give him the chance to walk. Hello my name is Valentin Cuculeasa and I am 18 years old. I live in Romania .

My life story its sad since  I was born but I would like share with you all hoping that i will get help for a normal life.
When I was  1 year old doctors gave me a cruel diagnosis:tetraparesis spastic .I can’t walk I never did ) , I can’t use my hands too much and. I’m  dependent for help.

I had many surgeries over time (about 7) last one was in March  2017 and next surgery must be on January 27 , 2019 in Germany  ,but unfortunately my family can’t  afford this .

This surgery is my chance to walk.
I will not succeed without your help !!!
Thank you everyone for support !!!

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