
Teen Suicide: An Unspoken Crisis

“When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.” –Malala

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for our youth ages 15-24. It is a one-tme event and a lifetime of grief.

More than 90% of our young people who die by suicide have a mental health condition that is easily treated. Treatment, however, is avoided because of fear of mental illness stigma.

“Bipolar disorder changed my world – no textbook could convey or prepare someone for that.”
–Tom Roberts, Author of “Escape from Myself: A Manic-Depressive’s Journey to Nowhere”

Many high schools do not have funding to hire a professional mental health speaker and author. My goal it to take my message to high school and college students and tell them suicide is not how they can end their pain. I know. I attempted it myself. I want them to overcome fear of stigma and reach out for help from resources in their communities.

“A captivating storyteller, Tom Roberts addresses the issue of mental illness stigmatization with passion and refreshing candor. Anyone can connect to his talk
and message as he relates his bipolar disorder to matters of family, religion,education, identity, and many others.”
–Lauren, Duke University Student

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