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The entrepreneur Marco Melega uses tax bills worth 50 million euros to clean his Lamborghini Aventador

A controversial post on Instagram is fueling controversy in all the major Italian newspapers

PADENGHE SUL GARDA, ITALY, January 3, 2024 / — The italian entrepreneur Marco Melega posted a photo and a video on social media in which he films himself pretending to smoke some tax bills that he received, for a total amount of 50 million euros. Others he uses to clean his Lamborghini and still others he associates with toilet paper. The post was criticized, so much so that Melega later decided to apologise.

The entrepreneur “smokes” 50 million bills and then use them to clean his Lamborghini Aventador.

“Paper is not thrown away. It is used. Especially very expensive paper. Be free to comment with alternative suggestions on how to use paper that costs 50 million euros.” With this phrase, the entrepreneur Marco Melega posted a video on his social profile on Instagram. In a photo he pretends to smoke a tax bill. While in a video he films himself intent on cleaning his Lamborghini with the 50 million tax bills.

The Instagram posts immediately generated controversy and outcry and were reported by all the main national newspapers in Italy such as “Il Corriere Della Sera“, “La Repubblica”, “Il Giorno” and hundreds of other local newspapers. Thousands of comments and reactions on all Italian social networks and blogs including Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram.

Marco Melega: “It was a provocation”

The entrepreneur then decided to make another video in which he explains the reasons for his gesture.

“Duty clarifications regarding the 50 million cards posted yesterday, which constitute a simple provocation aimed at raising awareness of an aspect in the relationship between institutions and entrepreneurs which in my opinion should be optimised. Maximum respect for everyone.”

In the video, the entrepreneur, serene and smiling despite the troubles, explains: “It seems quite clear to me that my posts are provocative, that they aim to raise awareness on a topic, which is that of the relationship between entrepreneurs and institutions. The entrepreneur is an essential element of the economical system of our country and I believe that he should be supported and not treated with suppressive attitudes. Especially when there is potential litigation and large sums are at stake. How does it work now? It works that paid bills are issued on a presumptive basis and this is not right, it is not correct. When two parties argue, they should try to get along amicably. Then when an amicable solution cannot be found, the judicial solution is taken. But any payment slips must be issued at the end of the discussion and not at the beginning. This is my thought”.

Source Links


La Repubblica : https://milano.repubblica.it/cronaca/2023/12/25/news/marco_melega_imprenditore_cartelle_esattoriali_video_lamborghini-421748341/

Il Giorno : https://www.ilgiorno.it/brescia/cronaca/marco-melega-cartelle-esattoriali-dopuk152

Website : https://news.italy24.press

Joseph Rossi
News Italy 24
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