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US vs. China: Comptetes to Study Water on the Moon

Mclean, Virginia Aug 12, 2024 ( – The race between the two most powerful countries of the world has begun and is also heating up. The race involves finding water on the moon where they plan to set their base camp in the future. Allegedly, this is the first step in exploring more parts of the neighboring planet Mars. Previously, it was unimaginable for humans to take up this challenge and reach the moon and set up a camp there. Touching the moon was the most celebrated quest for the last century yet now; they are taking it a step higher.

The journey to the red planet seems to be one of the most anticipated ventures of this century. Not only are rovers and orbiters daring for this venture but they also are willing to explore habitable options on Mars so that people of Earth can inhabit the planet, if necessary. Before this highly ambitious project materializes, thriving space agencies like NASA strive to ensure that the planet is worthy of rehabilitation. The conditions on Mars should be perfect for humans to relocate to this planet as their new home.

Several space agencies across the world are willing to use the moon as the first step to this highly motivated plan. Moon might provide the further resources that will be needed to achieve this goal and will also aid further exploration of this planet. The last time, the USE set foot in the moon was back in 1972 with their Apollo mission. Space agencies think that there might be water ice in the lunar South Pole which still remains unexplored.

The associate administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Nicola Fox said, “The agency has an array of missions planned to look for ice and other resources on the moon over the next five years.” In her statement, she also added, “Our path forward will make maximum use of the technology and work that went into VIPER.” VIPER is going to play a huge role in the future exploration of the moon. As per another report, China is also gearing up for a similar sort of project.

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Daniel Martin

[email protected]

Source :Daniel Martin

This article was originally published by EMWNews. Read the original article here.


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