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Vitamin Guides House Of Ruth to Successful Exhibit Launch

2008-07-28 09:15:00

Vitamin Guides House Of Ruth to Successful Exhibit Launch

   Firm generates unprecedented interest on behalf of one of the nation's

                     leading domestic violence centers.

    BALTIMORE, July 28 /EMWNews/ -- Design-marketing boutique Vitamin(R)

recently completed the press launch for "A Line In the Sand," House Of Ruth

Maryland's traveling photography exhibit focusing on some of the state's

most prominent domestic violence activists.

    Vitamin's role centered on generating attention and interest in advance

of the exhibit's June 5 opening. The firm worked closely with House Of Ruth

Maryland to craft an aggressive media relations campaign, designed to focus

not only on the exhibit itself but also on the stories that give it life.

This holistic approach resulted in unprecedented publicity for House Of

Ruth, including extensive coverage from The Baltimore Examiner, Baltimore

magazine, and Maryland Public Television. To date, Vitamin has secured more

than three million media impressions.

    "Vitamin's work has made a very real difference," said Kerri

Wojciechowski, House Of Ruth's associate director of community relations.

    "These are really remarkable stories, and our main goal from day one

has been to tell them to as many people as possible. Vitamin absolutely

helped make that happen. Through the publicity they achieved we've seen a

hike in awareness, steady foot traffic at the exhibit, and some very

prominent venues across the state are now interested in bringing the

exhibit to their locations, which is giving a helpful boost to our venue

outreach efforts."

    According to Amanda Karfakis, vice president of communications at

Vitamin, the work has been both challenging and rewarding.

    "Getting the chance to partner with House Of Ruth was an honor," she

said. "It's not until you work on a project like this that you truly

realize just how many people are directly and indirectly affected by the

power and control of abusers. We are very passionate about this issue, and

being a part of spreading awareness about domestic violence and those

courageous people who have stood up to say, 'Enough!' means a lot to us."

    Initially conceived as part of House of Ruth's 30-year anniversary, "A

Line In the Sand" chronicles Maryland's fight against domestic violence and

the people who have led the way. It features the work of both national and

local fine art photographers, and each photograph is accompanied by a short

text giving insight into the story behind the subject.

    The exhibit launched at Gallery Imperato in south Baltimore. It's

currently showing at the Enoch Pratt Free Library and is scheduled at a

prominent Federal building in Washington, D.C. for two weeks in October

during domestic violence awareness month. Vitamin and House Of Ruth

Maryland will announce additional venue details in the coming weeks.

    More information on the exhibit and its travel schedule, through Summer

2009, can be found at:

    About Vitamin(R)

    Vitamin is the "Cure for the Common Brand," the mid-Atlantic's first

boutique design and marketing firm focused on nourishing brands through a

best practices, all-in-house approach to creating cohesive identity, print,

interactive and public relations programs. Vitamin's diverse client list

encompasses regional and national companies including 1st Mariner Arena,

Apio/Eat Smart(R), Big Steaks Management, Cathedral Stone(R) Products, and

KLNB Retail.

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