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“Yecheng Xiangjian” fragrances waft around the world… Hainan’s high-quality specialty agricultural products make a grand appearance at the Winter Fair in Haikou.

Fruits and melons exude their aroma, attracting a multitude of traders. On December 14th, the “26th China (Hainan) International Winter Trade Fair For Tropical Agricultural Products” (“Winter Fair”) themed “Building an Agricultural Powerhouse, Creating Harmonious and Beautiful Villages,” opened at the Haikou International Convention and Exhibition Center. At the Haikou Pavilion, centered around the regional agricultural brand “Yecheng Xiangjian,” distinct agricultural products like Dapo pepper from Haikou, Jiazi Niudali, Yongxing Huangpi, and Qiongshan Fudao dazzled in their unique appeal. Merchants from all corners of the world gathered, creating an extraordinarily lively atmosphere.


Upon entering Pavilion 4, a giant LED display on the exterior wall of the Haikou Pavilion immediately catches the eye. The screen showcases an introduction to Haikou’s agricultural industry investment, highlighting the achievements since the establishment of the “Yecheng Xiangjian” brand. In terms of design elements, the “Yecheng Xiangjian” brand theme is integrated throughout the interior and exterior walls of the pavilion. Moreover, the pavilion is adorned with unique Haikou modern agricultural symbols like paddy fields, the Century Bridge, arcade-style old streets, and coconut trees, fully representing Haikou’s new urban image as an important hub on the “Maritime Silk Road.”

Inside the Haikou Pavilion, predominantly white and green in color, a large display composed of various fruits and vegetables such as mangoes, wax apples, dragon fruits, green peppers, and winter melons, stands out prominently.


At this exhibition, the Haikou Pavilion features a total of 45 specialty brand agricultural product booths, showcasing over 120 distinctive branded products. The pavilion is divided into six sections: Haikou Quality Fruits and Vegetables, Modern Agricultural Industrial Park, Branded Agriculture, Rural Property Rights Trading, Modern Seed Industry, and Agricultural Product Processing.


In the branded area, the Dapo pepper series from Hainan Xinghuida Modern Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. garnered significant attention from visitors. Unique agricultural products such as Dapo pepper, pepper crisps, and pepper sauce made their appearances, attracting many merchants and spectators to stop and experience them.

The pepper from Dapo Town is known for its proper shape, large size, and intense spiciness. Whether it’s white, black, green-skin, or sea salt pepper, all have reached the standards of world-class quality peppers.


Statistics show that over 80% of China’s pepper cultivation is concentrated in Hainan, with Dapo Town alone covering a contiguous planting area of 60,000 mu. It is the largest planting area in the province and the largest pepper production base in the country, contributing to over 30% of the national output, with an annual value of 208 million yuan. Notably, 3 out of every 10 peppercorns in China come from Dapo.


As the industry grows, Dapo pepper has become one of Haikou’s “golden signs” in tropical high-efficiency agriculture.


Products from the Jiazi Niudali brand, originating from Shiling in Haikou, also draw significant attention. Niudali is a famous southern medicinal herb known for its high medicinal and economic value. At the Winter Fair, in addition to traditional products like Niudali wine and powder, new offerings from Shiling Niudali such as coffee and soup seasoning packets are favored by many visitors.


According to the person in charge of the Niudali brand, products like Niudali coffee and powder are processed using purification technology, containing a high concentration of Niudali. The combination of premium products and advanced technology enhances the added value of Niudali products.


Likewise, Qiongshan Fudao, another main brand under “Yecheng Xiangjian,” also attracted significant attention from agents during the Winter Fair. It’s known that Qiongshan Fudao is produced in Pingtang Village, Hongqi Town, Qiongshan District of Haikou City. The rice, from seeding to harvest, is grown without the use of harmful substances such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides, greatly preserving the natural taste and quality of this rice variety.

Additionally, products like Tan Niu Wenchang Chicken and Sanjiang Wax Apples were also favored by many visitors.


Notably, the “Yecheng Xiangjian” online celebrity live broadcast room is a unique feature of the Haikou Pavilion. This live broadcast focuses on showcasing Haikou’s “Yecheng Xiangjian” specialty agricultural products, using online promotion through cloud live streaming and multiple channels. This approach aims to increase the influence of Haikou’s high-quality specialty agricultural products among a wide audience, enhancing consumer desire to purchase, improving brand competitiveness and pricing power, and achieving increased agricultural efficiency and farmer income.


During the Winter Fair, the display of Haikou’s tropical high-efficiency agricultural development achievements was a major highlight. Since the establishment of modern agricultural industrial parks, the area of industrial parks in the city has increased by 2,200 mu.


Haikou has also developed a “one district, ten parks, three clusters” pattern, which involves promoting a modern agricultural demonstration district across the entire county, establishing ten modern agricultural industrial parks, and three clusters of industries with distinctive advantages. The planned area of these industrial parks is 870,000 mu, with a total output value of about 1.3 billion yuan.


Haikou is increasingly emphasizing processing in agricultural development. The city’s modern agricultural industrial parks have developed over 40 types of processed agricultural products. There is active progress in the construction of two agricultural product processing industrial park projects in Tanxian and Dazhipo, with the Tanxian Agricultural Product Processing Industrial Park already officially underway.


In terms of brand creation, significant achievements have been made. Haikou has certified 72 agricultural products under the “Two Products, One Standard” program, leading the province in quantity. The city has registered collective trademarks in both graphic and text forms, effectively enhancing brand recognition. The establishment of the “Yecheng Xiangjian” Party Building Alliance has started showing results in brand building, led by party construction. Fifty-eight entities have been authorized to use the “Yecheng Xiangjian” brand, further expanding the brand’s marketing channels. Collaborations with local well-known brands are accelerating the transformation of agricultural products into tourist commodities, effectively enhancing brand value. Successful planning and execution of promotional marketing activities like “2023 Yecheng Xiangjian Haikou Volcanic Litchi Month” and “2023 Yecheng Xiangjian Dapo Pepper” have continuously improved product competitiveness. Brands like “Yecheng Xiangjian,” “Dapo Pepper,” “Yongxing Huangpi,” “Wutian Family – Grain and Oil,” and “Dingxing – Pepper” have been selected for provincial agricultural brand cultivation in 2023, further highlighting their reputations. The Jinlu Fruit Sales Professional Cooperative’s litchi plantation, Impression Dapo Industrial Co., Ltd.’s pepper plantation, and (Tan Niu) Wenchang Chicken Co., Ltd.’s Wenchang chicken processing base are among the three breeding bases recognized as “Hainan Fresh Brand” provincial brand demonstration bases, the highest number in the province, significantly enhancing industrial development.

In terms of agricultural industry development, Haikou city has been vigorously expanding its market. It’s reported that Haikou conducted two special investment promotion events in Guangdong, resulting in seven landed projects with a total contract value of 1.347 billion yuan. Leveraging this Winter Fair, another three projects worth 530 million yuan were signed.


Utilizing this Winter Fair, Haikou promoted its “Yecheng Xiangjian” public domain brand to merchants worldwide. This initiative further strengthens connections with international merchants, promoting the integration of Haikou’s agricultural brand with overseas markets and accelerating its steps towards globalization.


By leading with branding, Haikou is driving the high-quality development of its tropical high-efficiency agriculture towards scale, standardization, greening, and integration. The city is shifting its agricultural development from resource-driven to brand-led, marking new strides in the journey towards high-quality agricultural development led by branding.


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