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ZillionPathways Empowers Leadership, Public speaking – Communication Skills in UAE school kids using AI – Simulations.

An amazing and totally innovative AI & Simulation Training Programme by ZillionPathways over 12 hours, delivered virtually, with a World-Renowned Trainer, and spread over 6 sessions is making waves among school kids in the UAE!

Dubai, United Arab Emirates Jul 26, 2024 ( – The UAE in particular, and the Gulf Countries in general are exposed to great technological advances in the school and statutory learning curriculum. This is particularly relevant to the UAE with a high expatriate population where school kids face high levels of competition and high-performance expectations. The UAE is an early adopter of AI and the number of workers in AI in the last  2 years went from 30,000 to 120,000. The UAE expects AI to contribute to 14% of its GDP by 2030.

In this tech-savvy market, the fact that ZillionPathways AI & Simulation Training in Leadership, Public Speaking, and Communication is making waves among school kids is no mean feat and an extremely interesting focus point for the future. The 1.5 million school kids in the UAE receive an average of 42 Flyers, WhatsApp messages, and Posters for additional courses for their kids a year.

This is an enormous number of 63 million posters and messages a year! On average, most kids do an average of 1-5 additional courses a year, a lot of them during the summer vacations. User fatigue among students, when you look at additional courses, actual schoolwork, and tuition, can go as high as 50%.

The Testament to the excellence of the AI & Simulation face-to-face Training by ZillionPathways for UAE school kids is that there was an attention span and interactive discussion of over 90% during each virtual 2-hour session. This is proof of the future of AI & Simulation in comparison to other training, as normal online training programmes which are face to face get an attention span of less than 30% for the entire session.

A major reason for this level of interest is the actual AI & Simulation itself. It is not only totally unique but also amazingly diverse. It’s a proven fact that interactive Simulations with peer-to-peer group discussions are 75% more effective than other types of training. But to get school kids from grades 6-12 attention for 2 hours is a herculean task. Not so however for these innovative training programmes!

The main problem with most training programmes is maintaining the interest quotient among students. But in these AI & Simulation training programmes, over 4-6 simulations are covered across different scenarios in a 2-hour period. To give an example, these Simulations use ‘Roleplays’ on topics that connect with the students from Ethics, Challenges of AI, Usage, and various areas. They also use what we call ‘Movie’ simulations which bring our different points of view on the same topics. The level of discussion and interest is so high that in almost all cases so far, the trainer has had to overshoot the 2 hours scheduled for each session.

And the data collected from each student (given anonymously) is proof of the pudding! From over 150 schools’ kids who took the virtual face-to-face course in the last 30 days, we received reviews of over 9.2/10 for the level of enjoyment. This statistic is even more powerful than any other in the industry as once there is a level of enjoyment in the programme the level of learning will be exponential.

The other interesting feedback from these students was that they found the AI Avatars who were involved in the Simulations to be highly realistic and interesting. AI is still in its early stage in the Learning and Development industry, and AI & Simulation Training is getting better day by day. According to Ronald Olivera, the CEO of ZillionPathways, “The quality of training using AI, Simulations, and AI Avatars is so high that it rivals high-end corporate training which used to be the domain of very large multinationals in the past due to the high cost. But now, with AI, such high-end training is affordable and available to all. This is a major game changer for children to learn effectively and most importantly, with a high level of enjoyment”

These programmes are across 12 hours across six two-hour sessions. ZillionPathways also includes an 80-hour award-winning UK English Animation course as part of the programme which gives a Certificate from the City & Guilds of London. The programmes run through the week, and at present are houseful for multiple batches. In fact, due to the tremendous response to these programmes, ZillionPathways is looking to add over 1,000 school children to these programmes over the next 3 months.

According to Nelson Menezes, a Senior Training Partner with ZillionPathways, “I have been in the industry for over 20 years but have yet to see such an interesting and highly engagingly designed programme. It’s very, very, tough to engage people continuously in training programmes. It’s even harder for schoolchildren. But here, for the first time in my career, I see it done with ease. And, amazingly, they enjoy it tremendously.”

These AI & Simulation programmes from ZillionPathways cover different subjects which are essential to a student’s skill sets. There are multiple programmes on the Challenges and Dangers of AI, Motivation, Teamwork, Respect for People, Leadership, Public Speaking, Ethics, Emotional Intelligence, Feedback, and a large number of relevant topics. ZillionPathways has also started adding AI & Simulation Training for LKG to Grade 5 students. These are totally different from normal Simulations, with more ‘Movie’ based Simulations to interest and get the best out of this group as their attention span is erratic and the diversity of Simulations ensures an even higher level of interaction and interest. And Everyone has fun when learning!

As an Unknown Author said, “The best way to learn something is to have fun while doing it.”

The Company’s website is

Source :ZillionPathways

This article was originally published by EMWNews. Read the original article here.


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