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  • Your news is sent to the world’s major news syndication services, including Dow Jones-owned Factiva and Lexis Nexis so your releases are seen by CEOs, corporate finance professionals, researchers, analysts, journalists, professional information workers, potential investors and other decision makers.
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  • Your news is made available to journalists and bloggers through our Media Distribution RSS Feeds
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  • Your news is sent to the Associated Press (includes USA Today, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and AP Newsroom for 30,000+ journalists access)
  • Your news is sent to our database of 1950+ US newspapers and 1150+ magazines
  • Your news is sent to Media Partner Distribution network of 2500+ websites, databases and online services, including Dow Jones Factiva, Google News, Yahoo Finance, MSNBC, MarketWatch, Comtex, LexisNexis and Bizjournals
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Mass Media Visibility

$389USD / Per Release
$389USD / Per Release

Viral Exposure PRO

$139USD / Per Release
$139USD / Per Release

PR Network PLUS

$89USD / Per Release
$89USD / Per Release

Visibility Boost

$49USD / Per Release
$49USD / Per Release

Basic Exposure

$19USD / Per Release
$19USD / Per Release
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