Editorial / Submission Guidelines
The editorial staff at EMWNews Press Release Newswire review all press releases before they are distributed to ensure that content is newsworthy, accurate and in an acceptable press release format (more information about proper press release formatting and tips may be found here).
Once your press release is approved, you will receive an email confirmation. Your press release will then be distributed on the date you selected during your submission process.
If your press release is not accepted (information on what we do not accept may be found here) or if there is a problem with your story, our editorial staff will contact you by email or telephone.
Please ensure that your press release adheres to the guidelines or it may be refused without a refund.
Voice Verification: If you are submitting a Mass Media Visibility press release, please provide a direct phone number at which we can reach you in the “voice verification number” field. This phone number will not be published but is required for our editorial staff to reach you to voice verify your press release. Voice verification must take place prior to your release being distributed. Consider including a phone number that you can be reached at after hours also, as we operate on Pacific Time (PST) and therefore we may have to reach you when work hours are over if you live on the east coast or elsewhere in the world.
Standard Grammar and Spelling: Submission of your press release should be free of spelling and grammatical errors, and must be written entirely in English. We do not accept press releases written in other languages.
Word Count: EMWNews Newswire does not have a word limit for our press distribution plans priced from $49 to $139. The only package with a word limit is our Mass Media Visibility plan priced at $389. The word limit is 375 words (this word count includes your headline, subheading, press release body, and boilerplate). After 375 words, each additional 100 words has a surcharge of $89. For the best results, we recommend your press release range from 300 to 425 words.
Legal Cases: EMWNews can only publish a press release referring to a legal case if the case has been settled and if you provide us, by email, a copy of the docket and the case number which must also be stamped. This information will be kept confidential. Note: We do not accept legal releases for our Mass Media Visibility plan distributed through EMWNews Media Partner Network.
Written Authorization: If your press release makes reference to another company, especially in the headline, you must have permission to include the company in your press release. The permission must also come from someone within the company that is being referenced who has authority to give this permission. On a case-by-case basis, we may request this written authorization from the other company executive before a press release is approved for distribution. Independent representatives of network marketing companies or MLM companies must always obtain the express consent of the company’s executive.
Headline: The headline should be in capitalized case (the first letter of all major words in the headline should be capitalized. Conjunctions, prepositions and other small words should be lowercase). Do not include “For Immediate Release” in the press release or a dateline location in the headline or elsewhere in the press release. To ensure proper attribution, we advise including your company name in the headline.
Subhead: The subhead is also known as the summary. The subheading should not be in capitalized case – this, and the body of the release, should be in sentence case, where just the first letter of the first word in a sentence (and any proper nouns therein) should be capitalized. Some journalists/editors will read the headline and the subheading before deciding to read more about your release, so keep this in mind when composing this field. Do not include “For Immediate Release” or any dateline information in the subhead or elsewhere in the release.
Dateline Location: Here you need to select the city and state or country your release is originating from, for us to populate your dateline. If the city you prefer is not listed, simply select “Other” and then type in the name of the city in the field provided. While the dateline location does not impact distribution, our journalists use it for advanced searches.
Press Release Body: Please keep your releases as brief and to the point as possible. Press releases that are brief and to the point have been often found to be the more effective than lengthy ones. Do not include any dateline information at the start of your release – our system automatically generates a dateline using the location you entered in the dateline field. Also, do not include “For Immediate Release”, or Media Contact information at the start of the release. You can place your Media Contact information at the end of your release.
Boilerplate/Closing Details: The closing details field for your press release is optional, but if you choose to complete it, this is where a boilerplate or “About us” or “About the company” section would normally go. If you have added the “About the company” already in the body of the release, leave the boilerplate section empty, otherwise it will appear in duplicate.
Contact Information: Your press releases must contain valid contact information which will include a contact name, company name, phone number and email address. Contact Information should be in capitalized case and phone number formatted e.g. 222-333-4444. If you do not want to include a state location or phone number, simply put N/A, but one form of contact is required, so an email address must be entered if you are not inputting a phone number and vice versa.
Formatting Codes: HTML tags and other formatting such as non-standard characters, tables or forced line breaks cannot be used. We have our own formatting codes (click here for more information) that can only be used in the body and boilerplate boxes. Our formatting codes allow you to bold, underline, italicize, and add links. Our system has a rich text tool to help you do this easily.
Links: Before submitting your press release, please confirm all links in the press release are fully functional. If your website is not available or fully functional at the time of editorial review, please let our editors know in the “Notes to our Editorial Team” box. We comply with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines including the use of links and use “no-follow” links only. Industry standards recommend no more than one link per 150 words as a standard rule. If you are not familiar with and would like more information on Googles Webmaster Guidelines, you can find further information here.
Multimedia: Depending on the distribution plans you choose, you have the option to upload images, attachments, and video to be displayed alongside your press release. Please note, these will only appear on EMWNews’s website and typically will not be displayed by our online partners. To provide video or attachment access for readers from our news partners, we recommend including a link to the video on YouTube or your website and, likewise, including links to your attachments posted on your own site. You may also optionally include, at the bottom of your press release, a section called “Media” with links to images or videos.
Press Release Changes: Changes to your press release may be made up until 9pm Pacific Time the day before your press release is scheduled for distribution. Any changes made after this time will be reviewed the next morning and will delay your distribution. After your press release has been distributed, you will only be able to change the version of your release shown on our the EMWNews Press Release Newswire website. If you have purchased a Mass Media Visibility package, changes to your press release must be made and submitted prior to 9pm Pacific Time the day before your press release is scheduled for distribution. This will allow us time to make your changes with Distribution Partner Network.
Retraction of a Press Release: Once your story has been distributed, we cannot retract it. We can only delete it from the EMWNews Press Release Newswire website.
Refunds: No refunds will be provided for any press release containing fraudulent and misleading information or content perceived to be defamatory or with “intent to harm” (see content we do not distribute). Our editorial staff has the authority to refuse any press release we deem unsuitable for distribution. On an individual case-by-case basis, a refund may be issued subject to a 15% processing fee.
EMWNews Press Release Newswire does not accept press releases related to the following:
Publicly Traded Companies: EMWNews Press Release Newswire will not distribute press releases or content for publicly traded companies. WITHOUT prior approval. Contact Ticker Approvals for help
Stock Picks or Recommendations: EMWNews Press Release Newswire does not accept press releases or content that recommend specific publicly traded companies or stock recommendations (even without a ticker symbol) without prior approval.
Casino/Online Gambling: EMWNews Press Release Newswire does not publish press releases or content that promote or link to online gambling, sports betting, bingo and lotteries.
E-Cigarettes/Tobacco: EMWNews Press Release Newswire does not accept press releases or content that promote the sale or use of tobacco or tobacco-related products, including cigarettes, cigars, tobacco pipes, and electronic cigarettes.
Sexual Enhancement Products or Supplements: EMWNews Press Release Newswire does not accept press releases or content that promote sexual enhancement products or supplements.
Sex Toys, Pornographic or Sexually Explicit Materials: EMWNews Press Release Newswire does not accept content or press releases or content promoting sex toys, pornographic or sexually explicit material or products. Press releases should not contain links to explicitly sexual material or products.
Escort Services, Intimate or Erotic Massage Services: EMWNews Press Release Newswire does not accept press releases or content that promotes escorts, intimate and erotic massage services.
Unaccredited Online Pharmacies: EMWNews Press Release Newswire does not accept press releases or content from online pharmacies or websites that sell prescription drugs unless the company is accredited by a leading pharmacy organization, such as CIPA or Pharmacy Checker.
Spam/Over-optimization: EMWNews Press Release Newswire does not accept press releases or content that contains keyword spamming, link over-optimization or content that resembles spam.
Unlocking Phones: EMWNews Press Release Newswire does not accept press releases or content from websites promoting unlocking or jail-breaking of phones.
Coupon Sites: EMWNews Press Release Newswire does not accept press releases or content from coupon sites that promote third-party companies in their press release. For example “Get 20% Off Coupon at Walmart”.
Payday or Short-term Loans: EMWNews Press Release Newswire does not accept press releases or content from websites or businesses promoting payday loans or short-term loans.
Reprints/Copyrighted News Stories: EMWNews Press Release Newswire does not accept press releases from other websites or publications. Most are copyrighted and prohibit reprints.
Intent to Harm/Defamatory Comments: EMWNews Press Release Newswire does not distribute press releases intended to harm or exact revenge upon an individual or group. This content is defined as anything deemed intended to: incite, advocate or express hatred, bigotry, racism or gratuitous violence; promote personal opinions attacking an individual or group; maliciously affect a company’s stock; or stalk, defame, defraud, degrade, shame or victimize an individual or group.
Reputation Management: EMWNews Press Release Newswire will not distribute press releases for reputation management for the purposes of manipulating the search engines.
Non-English Language: EMWNews Press Release Newswire only accepts press releases written in English.