911 First Responder
I am a local area network engineer who was called to ground zero the day after 911 and was there to the end as a lead disaster recovery technician. While there I got advanced agressive prostate cancer stage 2.5 for which I received a certified condition from the 911 vcf what I got I’m grateful for from them but it was a ridiculous amount for an incurable disease. I have to be tested every 6 months for the rest of my life to find out if it’s time to fight cancer again or die. I spent 5 long years fighting cancer and 2 of them without sex I also have the gurd since 2002 and onset emphazima and have been on an inhaler since 2002 and I am fighting to have these conditions certified as well and that will take years. So if your truly thankful for my service to the country please feel free to donate I am also a disabled veteran and have given 15 yrs of service to the nation. I am also the reason the word is wearing the colors red, white, black, gold and royal blue, Played In America!!!!!!!