A family in urgent need of help

Hi..A family with little children is in severe need of help. They are losing everything. They are very loving and kind and would give the shirt off their back so many times, but now they are at a point of no return.

The father is working constant hours while the Mother doesn’t have the means to finish her degree and pursue a career that pays enough to cover day care while also caring for one of the children with special needs inhibiting her ability to take those steps.

I remain them as anonymous because of the fathers pride and the Mother feels like a failure as is. She cares about her children immensely & they are living in a primary two room home with no kitchen but a stove & sink while nowhere to play outside on a busy road and rarely no back yard. They are several months behind on their bills with now threats to leave the premises on and off.

The Mother’s car is unreliable to take the children out for activities and they regularly eat canned food & noodles as their main meals. They have had numerous disasters in which their once affordability came to a halt, the home is becoming severely dangerous for the children, the furnace is breaking down, and I feel that if they can just own a little home free and clear or at least enough to start to pay their bills, then they may get back on their feet once and for all. I am asking for 50 thousand for them because even that amount will help in so many ways.

I appreciate anything you can do. 5 dollars a person can add up fast and tear them from this horrible situation this family absolutely does not deserve.

Thank you..:).