Crowd Funding News

ADHD LULLABY An album to help children with ADHD fall asleep faster and stay asleep IndieGoGo Campaign

ADHD LULLABY is an album scientifically designed to help a child with ADHD fall asleep faster at night. The album is scheduled to be released January 29, 2019. Pre-orders of the album are available at a 50% discount to the retail price of the album for early supporters through Indiegogo. All revenue generated from pre-orders is being put back into the album, initial production of CDs, and marketing the album ahead of the release date.


Hi, I’m Bryan.  My oldest son (Cale, 11) is a 2E child with ADHD and Anxiety.  He takes stimulant medication to help him get through the day.  The downside of this medication is he has a hard time going to sleep — even without the medication he has a hard time going to sleep.  To help him sleep at night I started playing the guitar quietly for him.  This worked okay…..

Then I started doing research and discovered how to use music to help him.  I believe the same approach can help other 2E, ADHD, and Anxious children fall asleep quicker at night.

That all said, I amrecording an album of 15 songs (approximately 74 minutes in length) laid out in a specific format with each track of the album serving a specific purpose.  The songs themselves are layered with scientifically proven tones (frequencies) and tempo to occupy the active mind of a child with ADHD while relaxing their physical body at the same time.   When played in the order these songs are laid out on the album it will help the child with ADHD fall asleep faster.

I have posted a sample song on SoundCloud:   Cale’s Lullaby
***Please note this is a sample incomplete song and still in the mixing and mastering process.

While the songs are written and recorded for children with specific diagnoses (2E, ADD/ADHD, Anxiety), I have had grown adults tell me they fell sound asleep to these songs.

The album is scheduled to be released on January 29, 2019.  The album will be released independently and available on all the streaming music services worldwide including Apple Music, Google Music, Spotify, and Amazon Music.  Physical CDs will be available for purchase as well through Amazon, Target, Best Buy, and major music retailers worldwide.
What I Need

Releasing an album without the support of a major record label can be daunting task.  Fortunately today, music can be professionally recorded in a home studio.

Pre-orders of the album will raise capital for the following:

– Hiring a professional audio engineer to help mix and master the album
– Mastering the album for release on both CD and Streaming Services
– Capital to manufacture CDs for distribution

Additional capital raised via pre-orders will go toward:

– Capital to market the album once released
– Purchasing air play on streaming services like Pandora & Spotify
– Secure regular print advertisements in ADDitude Magazine
What You Get

By pre-ordering the album you get a 50% discount versus the retail price.  And because your pre-order is a crowdfunding contribution no sales taxes are charged on the pre-orders.

You can also become a contributor and help provide valuable feedback during the recording, mixing, and mastering process.  As a contributor you’ll receive a physical CD and 9 Digital Downloads when the album is released.  You’ll also be mentioned with special thanks on the website and in the CD jacket notes.

Want bragging rights?  You can purchase the right to name one of the songs on the album.  In addition to the perks of being a Contributor you can choose the final name for one of the songs on the album.  Obviously, the name will have to be tasteful and keeping with the theme of the album.  Additionally, I will send you a framed copy of the CD jacket and the CD itself for you to display.

Today, many people have gone away from buying physical CDs and subscribe to a streaming music service.  In that case pre-ordering the album isn’t for you.  Instead please consider making a small donation to help fund the album by clicking BACK IT above.

Whether you pre-purchase a download, a CD, become a contributor, or name a song, or just contribute $1 or $2 you’ll know you’re helping complete a valuable project.  Parents who have 2E, ADD/ADHD, Autistic, or Anxious children have a hard enough time; you will be helping millions of parents gain some sanity.

About the Songs

Each song is designed to have multiple layers, or tracks embedded.  Each layer is based on current academic research into music therapy and has a different purpose.  One layer might be aimed at occupying the conscious mind.  Another layer in place to calm the body.  Another layer to occupy auditory senses and drown out noise.

The songs are ambient in nature (think spa music meets science).  The songs generally have a jazz-blues feel to them and are sonically engineered to help induce sleep.

The songs are then arranged in a very specific order on the album.  The first few songs are aimed at relaxation and occupying the mind and senses.  The next few songs are almost hypnotic and designed to the induce sleep.  From there the order of the songs are ordered in such a manner as to help the body completely fall asleep and cycle into the first 3 stages of the 5 stages of sleep.

Most people and children, once asleep, cycle through the 5 stages of sleep, with REM being the final 5th stage, over a 90min to 120min period.  Due to the constraints of CDs (a CD contains no more than 74 minutes of music) the album can only do so much.  We can all agree though a 2E child, ADD/ADHD child, Autisitc, or Anxious Child has a hard time falling asleep — the goal of the album is not to cycle the child through the stages of sleep but rather aid in falling asleep and cycling through the first 2-3 stages.

Research has shown the average resting heart rate of adults while asleep in stages 3-4 of sleep is 60 beats per minute.  Thus songs played at 60 beats per minute will help an adult’s heart rate slow to the rate of the song.  Children ages 6-13 have a higher heart rate while asleep than adults.  According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine in 2010 the average heart rate of a sleeping child is 75.6 beats per minute.

The album will not have 15 songs all with beats per minute rates of 75.6.  However the songs of the album with specific beats per minute will be laid out in such a fashion to match the average heart rate of a child during the first 3 stages of sleep …thus relaxing the heart rate of the child as the album plays.  This is then combined with specific frequencies and tones which resonant to relax the brain subliminally and non-repetitive jazz-blues styles in the foreground of the song to occupy the active wandering mind.  The result is an album of songs designed specifically to help an active child relax and fall asleep.

The Impact

If you have a 2E child, ADHD child, Anxious child, or Autistic child then you know how challenging getting that child to sleep at night can be.  It is exhausting and cuts into the husband/wife time at night.  I am confident this album will help many parents gain sanity and help their child get more needed sleep at night.

As a parent of a 2E child with ADHD & Anxiety I am committed to helping other parents who a child like mine.   I am pledging 10% of the profit of all album sales to support organizations which conduct research in the fields of 2E and ADHD or provide resources for parents (like

Risks & Challenges

There is no magical cure for all children.  I am confident the majority of 2E, ADHD, Anxious, or Autistic children will benefit.  I cannot guarantee the album will have an effect on all children though.

I am not a music producer and I don’t own a major record company.  I have some friends in the music business who have opened a lot of doors and made this album possible.  Still, I expect a hiccup or two along the way but know this will become a reality and a successful project.

Other Ways You Can Help

Even if you don’t pre-order a copy of the album please consider donating $1 or $2 via the BACK IT button.  You’ll be helping a lot of parents.

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