Crowd Funding News

Amanda Outland Needs help paying for cancer treatment by Chris Outland

My name is Christopher Outland and I am trying to raise money for my wife’s cancer treatment.

Amanda was not feeling very well at the end of January, so I told her to call a doctor and set up an appointment. February 7th was the earliest date that she could get. We went and seen Christie Woodward, NP. She had some test ran, got blood drawn and had an ultrasound done. We finished up and was heading home and not even an hour had passed and got a call for my wife to come back and get a CT scan.

We got that taken care of and headed home so I could go to work. I work second shift and am only a temp. Later that day around 6pm, my wife got a call from Christie to go to the ER in Rogersville, TN as soon as possible, luckily her mom was off work and was able to get her and I got a text saying she was heading to the ER. I went to my supervisor and told him I was leaving to go be with my wife and he said go. The reason why she had to go in is because she was anemic and had a mass in her uterus which was causing a long list of problems.

We were there from the 7th to the 9th of Feb and was released with an appointment to she Dr Kramer-Gynecologic oncology on the 11th of Feb. We made it through the night and got up Monday the 10th and Amanda had a higher then usual heart rate and it scared her and she wanted to go to the ER in Kingsport, TN. We got ready and went on our way, got there before noon and ended up staying until the 15th of Feb. Amanda had surgery on the 12th of Feb. and had a 25 cm diameter pelvic mass removed and also had to have a hysterectomy. She spent that night and most of the next day in the ICU which was scary for me.

I stayed there with her the whole time except for the 13th of Feb. when I had to go back to work so I wouldn’t get too many points and be fired. After work I rushed back to be by her side the rest of the time. After discharge on Saturday the 15th, we stopped to get her medication and headed home. February the 25th, Amanda had an appointment to see Dr. Kramer to get the staples removed and also found out that she had Endometril cancer, FIGO stage IIIC2 and wanted her to start Chemotherapy as soon as possible. So her first day of Chemotherapy is set for March 5th and 5 more visits every 21 days after.

I will be there as long as I can until I have to go to work. I will give updates after each visit and let everyone know how she is doing. Any help will be appreciated even if all you can do is five dollars. All donations we be going to doctor bills that have started coming in and the chemo treatments.

Thank you for reading and share this on your Facebook and/or Twitter accounts. You can look for me on Facebook. Please donate if you can

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