Crowd Funding News

Barrows Leroy III 2 Disabled Vets need exercise pool GoFundMe Crowd Funding Campaign

My wife and I need a  exercise pool for or disabilities we both were injured in the  military with severe nerves damage.  Mine was through a surgery hers was done while training new recruits we live in a small town in Texas there are no public pool within an hour of where we live.

Due to the type of permanent injury we can’t get regular exercise and are supposed to use wheelchairs something we hate so rarely do.

We’re both fall risk and I’m on blood thinners so a fall for me is more severe.  Mine and hers’s doctor wants  us to do the pool exercise so we can stay mobile as long as possible endless pool has the treadmill in the water for low impact something we can  tolerate .  We are with in our forty’s and live on disability so there is no way we can afford it on our own please help.

Neither of us drink or smoke we try to stay as healthy as possible since we are disabled

Thank you.

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