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Retro community, coding, computers & consoles, articles & game reviews on AMIGA BBC CPC C64 SPECTRUM MSX NES SMS ATARI ZXNEXT & more!

Blast Annual 2020: Volume 1, is a new A4, print only, multi format retro gaming publication.

Blast Annual 2020: Volume 1 has been created by the awesome retro gaming community for everyone to enjoy.

It has taken us approximately 8 months of collaborating with so many wonderful people of the world wide retro gaming community to collect and write up all the articles. Finally, we are now ready to get this publication done!

Blast Annual 2020: Volume 1 covers a vast array of retro gaming articles written from contributors located all over the world including features, games reviews, product reviews, coder interviews and much, much more.

Support us on KickStarter today https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1863593401/blast-annual-2020-volume-1-multi-platform-retro-game-book

BLAST ANNUAL is all about community, coding, computers and consoles. We aim to showcase in a stunning hard cover book the following:

People involved in the retro gaming community.
Comprehensive coverage of retro gaming events held around the world during 2019.
Coding tips written by real retro gaming people.
Pay tribute to retro gaming heroes.
Feature articles and interviews on retro game developers.
An overview of the results from a number of different retro gaming dev contests held throughout 2019.
Entertain with new game release reviews from 2019 on Amstrad CPC, Atari 2600, Commodore Plus 4, Commodore 64, MSX, NES, SMS, ZX Spectrum, ZX SPECTRUM NEXT and a whole lot more!

BLAST ANNUAL 2020: Volume 1 will be A4 in size with a strong hardback cover produced to a high standard using good quality paper. If you have purchased an 8-Bit Annual book before it will be of this same high standard. Why volume 1 I hear you asking? 2019 was such an immense year for retro gaming that we couldn’t fit all the content into one book!

Currently the page count for Blast Annual 2020: Volume 1 is 200 plus pages. All content has been collected and put into its page layouts (As you will see for yourselves below). All that is left is for us to do is proofread once backers have helped us reach our Kickstarter target goal before it goes to the printers. We aim to have BLAST ANNUAL VOL 1 printed and posted out to backers in a timely manner. Our goal is for backers to be reading Blast Annual 2020: Vol 1 by end of July 2020.

Blast Annual 2020: Volume 2 will come to Kickstarter after this Volume 1 campaign, and yes like Volume 1, all the content and page layouts have already been completed.

Support us on KickStarter today https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1863593401/blast-annual-2020-volume-1-multi-platform-retro-game-book

Keywords: Blast, Annual, Retro, Gaming, 8bit, 16bit, BLASTANNUAL, retrogaming, computergames

Hashtags: #blastannual, #BLASTANNUAL, #retrogaming, #computergames, #8bit, #16bit

Jordan Taylor

Jordan Taylor is Sr. Editor & writer from San Diego, CA. With over 20 years and 2650+ articles edited rest assured your Press Release will see traction.

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