
BUILDING A PUBLIC LIBRARY IN LIBERIA FREE Crowd Funding Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign

We were donated 100 acres of land in Liberia by villages and majors due their trust in us and our performances since 1996 in their country to provide humanitarian and educational aid to the people of Liberia. We have three shipments of good quality and 90% new reference and text books to ship to Liberia staged in our warehouse in Jacksonville, Florida. When we ship the books we purchase the 40 foot shipping containers so we can retain them in Liberia for use in building the library. We did this in Haiti after the hurricane of 2010 and from that experience we can build 3200 SF and 1600 SF buildings in two weeks if all materials are on hand.

Education is the key to the future especially in Liberia. The education system there has been a failure and we are working with the Minister of Education and educators across the country to make a difference bringing opportunity to them. One of the greatest needs if a good library system. Our library will allow teachers to check out books for their classes and return them afterwards so others can use them. We can have a steady supply of good quality hardbound text and reference books if we had the funds to receive, process and ship to Liberia. Your help is needed in this process. We need to raise $99,000.00 US for the first two libraries, one in the outer edge of a Paynesville city and the other in a remote village area that will service many towns and villages in the Grand Bassa area.

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