
Doing this for the love of my life GoFundME Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign

My wife Sheila has been diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2014 and in the middle of 2015 went in remission and then just pass October of 2016 the cancer came back with a vengeance.

It has now spread to a few other areas one being her ovaries. And we had been getting chemo treatments until the 12th of May. And she did a PET scan just a week and a half ago and that’s when we also found out her colon had attached itself to her ovary. If that wouldn’t have happened the colon could leak.

So that in itself was a miracle. Now we’re going thank God to CTCA cancer treatment center of America in Atlanta Georgia. But I’m seeking help through GoFundMe to help with medical bill’s, transportation, lodging. We’ve had some supporters mainly family and we’re not, have not ever asked for any assistance before because we’re usually the one’s helping others.

Now we need help and I was told about GoFundMe and I (for my beautiful wife) started a campaign for the lady that the Lord has graciously put in my path specially after losing my first wife after 24 year’s of marriage due to cancer. It’s just I’m so in love with a lady I’ve known for 7 1/2 year’s and was blessed to be able to marry her on the last chemo treatment by the justice of the peace and all we had attending was her beautiful sister Sherry her mom could not make it because she was sick w/cold.

Her farther just passed away 2012 and her mom is 78 and has a reverse mortgage and would give anything to help but even though after 57 year’s of marriage to her first love and only love she is not in the position to help. And I (her husband) don’t know anything about my family just that my farther was shot and killed when I was 2. I’m asking for help to keep a very beautiful person inside and out a chance to live a little longer.

Every time I write I cry because I know the thoughts that travel in her mind and it’s hard to tell someone you love that all is going to be okay when you don’t have a clue because everything you’ve been told by your doctors just confuse you. That is why we’re seeking a third opinion. And that is why I need to give her some hope.

I would trade positions with her any time. But that’s not possible. So if you believe in life please believe and help my Sheila.

Please Support this Campaign at 

She’s scared but she has no clue on how scared I am.

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