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Education IBM NYSE:IBM Pacific Harbour Multi Cultural School in Fiji will they Build the Future GoFundME

Education is a basic human right but sadly these top 2 problems make it a luxury to a good number of children, Poverty and Family factors. You can make a difference.


Technorati reported last fall that 22 percent of the children live at or below poverty. Poverty as a family of four with an annual income level of $23,050 or lower.

Family Factors

Family factors also play a role in a teacher’s ability to teach students. Principals and teachers agree that what is going on at home will impact a student’s propensity to learn. Divorce, single parents, poverty, violence and many other issues are all challenges a student brings to school every day. While some teachers and administrators try to work with children in less than ideal family environments, they can only do so much – especially when parents are often not willing to partner with the schools to provide for the children.

In the case of Pacific Harbour Multi Cultural School in Fiji, it’s worse, It’s funding. They are a unique, independent and self-funding community school based on the Coral Coast in Fiji. They caters to both a small ex-pat community (approx. 9% students) and local Fijian families (approx. 91% students). Being an independent school, they receive no financial assistance from the Fijian Ministry of Education and are totally dependent upon school fees and fundraising to pay all school expenses, including paying teachers salaries.

Sadly they are unable to sustain the school in this manner, and are facing potential closure or assimilation into a Fijian public school, which generally have class sizes of 40-45 students studying a strict Fijian curriculum and outdated teaching methods.

They need you now. If only IBM (NYSE: IBM), would help being the biggest supporter of education but it could be too late. Do visit their page and help build the future of many. https://www.gofundme.com/save-our-school-fiji

Permalink:  https://emwnews.com/education-ibm-nyseibm-pacific-harbour-multi-cultural-school-in-fiji-will-they-build-the-future-gofundme

Education, Highschool, EdChat, EdLeaders, Edu, Education, Educhat, Parents, Principals, Student(s), Teacher(s), Superintendents, EarlyEd, ElemSchool, HigherEd, K12, MiddleSchool, PreSchool

Media Contact:
Clare Parrish
(679) 788-3667
[email protected]

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