Crowd Funding News

Emergency Gall Bladder Surgery Bill of $20,000

After suffering from gall bladder issues over a weekend, I went to my local emergency room on Monday morning.  I  spent over an hour on the phone with a Veterans Affairs office to arrange for the surgery to be done locally,  rather than having to drive 3 hours to have the Veterans hospital do the surgery.  Since I thought it was all arranged,  I went ahead with the surgery the same day.

A representative from the VA hospital called and said the VA wouldn’t pay for out of VA procedures.   My local surgeon would not release me from the emergency room without the surgery because he said I could face dangerous complications.   I have since been presented with a bill for almost $20,000.

I joined the United States Army in 1981.  I served for over 16 years, both overseas and stateside.  I retired in 1997 after Desert Storm, when the military was reduced.

I will be paying the hospital for the next decade!  Please help a US Army Veteran pay this bill.  Thank you.

Senny Lorry

My great passion is bringing healing to people who have been through a traumatic/stressful experience. I help my clients, who include children, adults and families, to find healthy perceptions of themselves and strengthen their relationships so they can know themselves as peaceful, complete, whole and safe. Senny is our CrowdFunding Specialist

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