Crowd Funding News

Fixing My Car GoFundME ViralExposure.Co Campaign

In 2015, I was let go from the job I was at at the time, amidst some financial issues. Due to these issues, I fell behind on bills and included in this was getting things done on my car.

Currently, my car desperately needs to be inspected and have any issues with it addressed, including new tires, a potential issue with the transmission, the fan blower. The biggest thing for me, right now, is the fact that my car is very out of date with its inspection and emissions. I was supposed to get it inspected in 2016 and I couldn’t due to money.

I did have a previous campaign up and have since deactivated it because some of the things I was trying to raise money for have been addressed. Right now, I primarily want/need to focus on is getting my car back to PA regulation safety so that I am not in need of purchasing another at a time when I can’t afford to have a car payment, and perhaps use some of this money to make the last chunk of payment (less than $900) to officially have paid off this vehicle and have the title in my hand.

Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated to help keep me, and anyone who rides in my car, safe.

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