
Give Wicky-Beau a chance GoFundME Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign

My name is Wicky Beau.

I usually keep my life private. But now I need to open up and reach out. I was told that I was ill, really ill, and desperately need help.

Behind my always smiling face there is a person fighting a battle for her life and asking you all to help me continuing this battle. I have no choice it’s now or never.

In December 2014, when swimming in the ocean, something snapped in my right armpit and there was this little bump. I went to the hospital in Holland in January, in June, and again in October 2015 complaining of not feeling well and showing this bump.

They did tests but kept telling me nothing was wrong and I shouldn’t worry. After two months of intense stomach pain I ended up in the same hospital in January 2016.

They did tests again. The diagnosis was I had Stage IV breast cancer which had metastasized in my whole liver with only a few months to live.

I later found out the hospital radiologist had seen already metastasis on my liver from October 2015 MRI tests and recommended more inspection, but no more tests were done at that crucial time because they forgot to tell me this and send me home.

They made many more mistakes, but refused to take any responsibility.

Chemotherapy was the only option and even with that, the prognosis was not good.
After doing extensive research about Cancer I found many studies dealing with food and supplements and their relationship to Cancer.

I started a strict diet, consisting of shakes and juices from organic raw vegetables and fruit, as well as supplements.
I cut out processed foods and sugar and drink water with high ph content.
It is a time consuming and expensive protocol to follow and the shakes do not taste good, these are not Jamba Juice shakes. But I am convinced that if I did not follow this protocol, I would not be here now, sharing my story.

I refused to believe that the cancer was going to end my life I told myself I was capable of doing this even though I was throwing up most of the days. Nobody knew how bad I was because they only saw the outside, and I never told them.

I kept fighting my battles with determination to get better.

The chemo I still have to take destroys everything inside with lots of side effects.
In May I stopped my diet due to lack of finances.
Within a week I couldn’t sleep anymore, was exhausted and full in pain.
All the side effects of Chemo came back.
My strength and energy slowly drift out and I felt as if my body was slowly dying.

So with help I started my diet and supplements again and after two weeks I slowly got back on track. I don’t want to go through this degradation of my body again, I can’t.
But with my diet, supplements, protocols and hopefully one day “stem-cell-therapy” I don’t need to.

My oncologist tells me to continue this lifestyle with my diet and my positive mind setting and do my exercises in the water because it works.

The diet, supplements and protocols are expensive and therefore I’m in deep debt, I can’t afford them anymore.

I’m on my own, no more family to help me and not capable of working, even though I tried.

Thanks to all the people who helped me over the past year, but now I have to reach out and ask for more help, donation,
I’m thankful for everything that will help me to continue to fight this never ending battle.

Thank you so much.


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