
Help our dad with mouth surgery GoFundME Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign

Keith is a hardworking father and wonderful caring husband. He had been having severe problems with his teeth, the dentist he was seeing told him he should consider getting dentures. Keith decided that would be best in the long run. Having concerns about maybe losing insurance Keith asked his doctor if this would be covered the doctor assured him that it would be, because it had been pre-authorized .So he started in on a series of extractions and surgery to reduce the size of his gums. He got about 3/4 of the way done with the process, and unfortunately lost insurance from his employer. The rest of the procedure with his dentist assured him had been “pre authorized” was not.Keith currently has no teeth in the back of his mouth and his jaw bone has been reduced through 3/4 of his mouth. He has eight teeth remaining and four are loose because of the reduction of the bone adjacent to the remaining teeth. He is very self-conscious about his appearance since his teeth have been extracted, he doesn’t want to smile, and doesn’t like to eat around people. He is a cook for a living and can’t even eat most of the food he cooks. We cannot afford to get insurance at this time use all the help we can get! Thank you for reading!

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