Crowd Funding News

Help Jeremy get out of debt

My name is Jeremy Drafall and I have Autism. My family have been struggling to stay alive for many many years but as for me. My goal is to get back to school and continue my education. But I have been hold back because debt is forcing me not to return and been stuck at a dead end minimum wage trying to pay it off but been rejected numerous times for personal loans and still denied because of no back up co signers. My family is very humble and hate fighting for no reason. If you can help the cause that I suffered for so long, it will be brave for you to help me to help you.

$9,714 – RECOVERY MANAGEMENT SERVICE (Debt Collection) Sept. 2015

$4,798 – Car Loan
$801 – Dell Financial Services
$696 – Costco

Jerry Cruz

Tops SEO Expert, Social Media Influencer and Editor. Having published and edited more than 4700+ Articles in the last 6 years definately a PRO!

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