
Help My Dreams Become A Reality! GoFundME Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign

Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read my story.
I just recently came home from doing almost six years Federal time. I was given a ninety month sentence, but by the grace of God I only did six. While incarcerated I lost everything and I’m not just talking about materialistic things. I’m talking about; friends, family, and for a second I had even lost myself.

I had to take responsibility for my actions and realize that God makes no mistakes. Everything He does has a bigger purpose behind it then we may ever know. With that being said, I wasted no time and began to write books so i could share my story with the world.

That’s why I am on go Fund me today. I am an aspiring author of three books that I am trying to get self – published. However, being that I just came home, I do not have the access to the help or resources needed to get my books edited, illustrated, or put in proper book format to be published.

These books are for; first time offenders that don’t know what to expect or that may feel forgotten, the families who are physically free but mentally locked up, and anyone who’s curious to know what happens in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Please donate for a good cause.

On my gofundme you can read; the dedication, a poem, the synopsis and prologue of my first book called; LAST THREE 424
~three I’ll never forget~
By; Navahcia L. Edwards

Author’s note: Everyone in federal prison receives an identification number. The last three of your ID states what district your from, hence, the reason my book is called, “Last Three 424”

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