
Help nurse HEAR again to WORK again

Jorge Tejeda is a nurse I have had the pleasure of working with recently. He has been down a tough road and beat the odds to get to where he is as an outstanding and well respected ER & ICU registered nurse (MSN &BSN). I am one of his recruiters and he was just offered an assignment, he was supposed to start on Monday but was not able to because his hearing aids broke.

Many people are not aware but Insurance does not cover for hearing aids and due to his severe hearing loss the cost is just over $2,000.00 for each aide.

Jorge has severe to profound hearing loss and over the counter hearing aids will not suffice. When he was in grad school his hearing aids broke which caused him to lose his job. He reached out to insurance companies and programs for assistance in affording a new pair and had to apply for SSI (taking out money from your Social Security taxes applicable to Medicare).

Insurance will not consider this a disability so they will not cover any costs of the devices. Each aid costs over $2,000.00 and lasts only 4 years with no warranty. He has not let this hurdle get in his way of his passion to care for others and become an outstanding patient advocate graduating with his BSN & MSN in NY.

Please help us in getting a new pair in order to keep his job in both hospitals and continue to help others by helping him.

The hospital has put his position on hold rather than replacing him for three weeks in order for him to keep the job and somehow find the funds to order a new pair.

Any donation large or small is greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much!

Melissa Luneau & Katie Tackett

Nightingale Nurses

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