Helping my son with college and his pregnant twin sister GoFundME Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign CrowdFundingExposure Viral Exposure
My son Daniel was excepted to Arkansas Tech University in Russellville, Arkansas. He had received a $500 scholarship for academic achievement and he got a small pale grant. He took out 2 student loans and then needed me to take a parent student loan to pay for first semester tuition. And I found out he only gets 1 meal a day because in order for him to get 2 meals would have been another $250. He needed a car so he could look for a job to help pay things so my husband and I finally got financing to get him one. His hope is to get his degree in electrical engineering with computer engineering. He has been with the same girl since 9th grade and they want to both finish college and then marry and have a family. He has 7 more semesters to pay for and each semester will cost about $7500 to $8000 or little more. And he found out his text books will be about $250 for next semester. He is looking for a job that will work around his class schedule.
His twin sister is living with us and she is going to have a baby boy in February. My husband and I adopted the twins (they were my grandchildren) when the were babies. Now we are both drawing disability checks so our income is very limited. In November we have to find a way to pay sales tax and tags for my son’s car and insurance and loan payment for the car plus our other bills. I don’t know how I will be able to buy food for my pregnant daughter. This will be the first year in the 19 years my husband and I have been married that there will be no Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners at our home. I can live without those family dinners but I worry how I am going to feed my daughter and help my son finish college. If I can just get help for the next 4 years I would be so grateful and be glad to do what I can to show it. I have been praying for guidance and asking for help. I want to thank any for any help that we get. Thank you. Please pray for us.