Crowd Funding News

Fund Patricia’s Spinal Surgery and Recovery GoFundME ViralExposure Booster Campaign

I started this gofundme to help a friend of mine who is in dire need of support after his life was drastically changed by his mom´s traumatic accident.

About 5 months ago I made a big change in my life and moved to Mexico. I was very fortunate to be quickly welcomed into a community of people here. These connections and support networks are vital for expats as adjusting to a new life can be isolating and difficult. One person who has welcomed me ever-so-warmly in Mexico is my dear friend Juan.

I had the privilege of benefiting from his generous and friendly demeanour soon after I joined a rock climbing gym. Juan was quick to welcome me with a warm smile and joke, and was always there to offer helpful advice and plenty of support. His charismatic, energetic, and honest personality has made my transition to Mexico more seamless. He is truly an example of the inspiring generosity that benefits the community in which he lives.

Tragically,  on January 28th, Juan´s mom, Patricia, suffered severe trauma to her back and spinal cord after falling off a roof. One of Patricia´s vertebrae is completely broken, while another has moved out of place and is now pinching the spine and nerves around it. As a result, she has lost all feeling and mobilities in her legs.

36709470_1549586886407159_r.jpegJuan and Patricia in the hospital.

Patricia´s spinal injury has also caused a loss of control of her bowels. Her children are tasked with the responsibility of helping her with these everyday challenges that we take for granted.

To make matters worse, Patricia´s medical insurance does not cover any injury to the back, spine, or brain. Patricia and her family do not have financial aid to cover the extensive medical costs and are solely responsible for the expenses of surgery, rehab, and hospital stay past the date of the surgery. They are doing their best, but lack the money to pay for all of it.

Everyday that goes by without surgery reduces the chances of Patricia regaining mobility in her legs.

36709470_1549586993272001_r.jpegPatricia and Juan´s 16-year-old sister.

Not only is Juan trying to care for his mom, but he has a 16-year-old sister who is now living with him since the accident. His friends and community members are taking turns watching over her and taking care of her while Juan stays at the hospital with Patricia, sleeping next to her on a bed he crafted out of cardboard.

The money that you donate will go to help cover the medical costs for the surgery, rehab, and hospital stay that the family is not able to pay. Juan and Patricia are in desperate need of financial help.

When Juan confided in me about his mom´s accident, I knew the financial burden on the family was too great to bare alone. It was at that moment that I knew I had to support him and his family in the best way I can — by reaching out to the wider global community.

Please help Patricia and Juan during this difficult time and donate what you can.


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