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Improve Your Civic Knowledge: ISI Issues Summer Reading List

2008-07-16 08:00:00

    The Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) Offers a Summer Reading

List to Improve Student Knowledge of American History, Institutions and


    WILMINGTON, Del., July 16 /EMWNews/ -- For students

looking to add a little culture and history to their summer breaks, a new

list of books from the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) offers

compelling vacation- and beach-reading options. The list, which includes

thirty books covering a wide range of important figures and themes in

American history, political thought, and literature, is offered in response

to the dismal results college students nationwide have produced on ISI

civic literacy tests.

    ISI's national studies on collegiate civic education have empirically

demonstrated the failure of American colleges to teach basic knowledge of

American history and institutions. Both the 2006 and 2007 studies tested

14,000 freshmen and senior students from 50 colleges and universities

across the country, including 25 top-ranked universities and 25 randomly

selected schools. Seniors produced an average score of 53 percent in 2006

and 54 percent in 2007, and not one school -- including Harvard, Yale, and

Princeton -- could boast a "C" average. The studies also found that the

schools themselves bear much of the blame for low scores, since the vast

majority do not require the types of core classes and curricula in which

students would gain important civic knowledge. The full results of ISI's

American civic literacy study and the complete survey questions can be

found at

    "The summer months are a perfect time for students to take charge of

their own education on America," affirms Dr. Richard Brake of ISI's

University Stewardship Division. "We hope that by encouraging students to

read these American classics, that they will return to campus hungry for

the kinds of courses that will add, not subtract from, their knowledge of

American political and cultural life. Teaching America's story must once

again become a priority for our nation's colleges and universities, and

reading just a few of these books from our list is not a bad place for

students to start this life-long process of learning and acculturation."

    Below are ISI's thirty recommended books, organized by the categories

of American Political Thought, Biography, and Literature:

Civic Literacy Summer Reading List Category One: Political Thought Title Author Editor (Publisher) of Suggested Edition 1) "Speech on Edmund Burke In Select Works of Edmund Conciliation Burke, vol. 1, ed. F. with America" Canavan (Liberty Fund, 1999) 2) The Federalist / Alexander Hamilton, Ed. G. Carey and J. The Anti-Federalist James Madison, McClellan (Liberty Fund, John Jay, 2001)/Ed. H. Storing (U. of George Clinton, Chicago,1981) Robert Yates, Samuel Bryan, et al. 3 )Political Writings of John Adams Ed. G. Carey (Gateway John Adams Editions, 2001) 4) Democracy in America Alexis de Ed. H. Mansfield (U. of Tocqueville Chicago, 2002) 5) The Lincoln-Douglas Abraham Lincoln, Ed. H. Holzer (Fordham Univ. Debates: The First Stephen A. Douglas Press, 2004) Complete, Unexpurgated Text 6) The Civil War: A Shelby Foote (Vintage Books, 1986) Narrative (3 vols.) 7) Frederick Douglass: Frederick Douglass Ed. H. L. Gates Autobiographies (The Library of America College Editions, 1996) 8) Roots of American Russell Kirk (ISI Books, 2003) Order 9) Witness Whittaker Chambers (Regnery, 1978) 10) Unsettling of Wendell Berry (Sierra Club Books, 2004) America Category Two: Biography/Autobiography 1) Patriarch : George Richard Norton Smith (Houghton Mifflin, 1997) Washington and the New American Nation 2) John Adams David G. McCullough (Simon and Schuster, 2001) 3) American Sphinx: Joseph J. Ellis (Vintage Books, 1998) The Character of Thomas Jefferson 4) Alexander Hamilton, Richard Brookhiser (Simon & Schuster, 2000) American 5) Abraham Lincoln: Allen C. Guelzo (Eerdmans, 2003) Redeemer President 6) Theodore Rex Edmund Morris (Random House, 2002) 7) No Ordinary Time: Doris Kearns Goodwin (Simon & Schuster, 1994) Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II 8) Eisenhower: Stephen Ambrose (Simon & Schuster, 2004)/ Soldier, General of (Simon & Schuster, 1985) the Army, President-Elect, 1890-1952 (vol. 1) / Eisenhower: The President (vol. 2) 9) The Years of Lyndon Robert A. Caro (Vintage Books, 1990, 1991, Johnson (3 vol.) 2003) 10) The Reagan Diaries Ronald Reagan Ed. D. Brinkley (HarperCollins, 2007) Category Three: American Literature 1) The Complete Tales Washington Irving Ed. C. Neider (De Capo of Washington Irving Press, 1998) 2) The Scarlet Letter Nathanial Hawthorne (Barnes and Noble, 2004) 3) Moby Dick Herman Melville (Barnes and Noble, 2003) 4) The Adventures of Mark Twain (Barnes and Noble, 2003) Huckleberry Finn 5) The Red Badge of Stephen Crane (Bantam Doubleday Dell, Courage 1981) 6) The Magnificent Booth Tarkington (Dover Publications, 2006) Ambersons 7) The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald (Simon & Schuster, 2004) 8) Death Comes for the Willa Cather (Knopf Publishing, 1990) Archbishop 9) Absalom, Absalom! William Faulkner (Random House, 1993) 10) To Kill a Harper Lee (Grand Central Publishing, Mockingbird 1988) Though certainly not an exhaustive list, ISI encourages students to use it as a foundation for building their own catalogue of books for future reading. According to Dr. Brake, the organization welcomes comments and suggestions about the lists and hopes the selections help stir a revival in American civic education, furthering the process of improving the civic literacy of all Americans.

    About the Intercollegiate Studies Institute

    The Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) ( was founded

in 1953 to further in successive generations of American college youth a

better understanding of the economic, political, and ethical values that

sustain a free and humane society. With ISI's volunteer representatives at

over 900 colleges, and with more than 50,000 ISI student and faculty

members on virtually every campus in the country, ISI directs tens of

thousands of young people each year to a wide array of educational programs

that deepen their understanding of the American ideal of ordered liberty.

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Jordan Taylor

Jordan Taylor is Sr. Editor & writer from San Diego, CA. With over 20 years and 2650+ articles edited rest assured your Press Release will see traction.

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