
Jeffs Journey GoFundME Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign

In 1986 while away at school Jeff was trapped in his dorm room when a fellow student removed a Sulphur dioxide smoke bomb from his father’s police car, used for crowd control and tossed it through Jeffs dorm window. This was his way of “celebrating” when the Mets won the world series. Jeff was pulled from the dorm with burns to his mouth, throat, airway, lungs and in complete arrest. Jeff required 21 operations and has had to live with a tracheotomy and pulmonary issues since. At 21 he had to learn how to breath, talk and walk again. But, he used this event in his life to help others. He went on to become a lawyer and work in the legal industry for 16 yrs in both NYC Washington, D.C.
Then Jeff was accepted into Medical school. He was close to completing his residency and was looking to get his Cath Lab certification and licensing. But, he had not been feeling well for sometime and had been going thru tests and biopsies that initially came back inconclusive. Unfortunately…. On April 24, 2016 he was diagnosed with small cell sarcoma non-lung originating in prostate, but had metastasis to the colon, bladder & soft tissues of both. We were told he was terminal, but with treatment he could have 6 months to a year. Over the course of this past year while going thru treatment chemo/radiation/hormone therapy first the cancer metastasis to his stomach, brain stem and liver. Because of this he was accepted into a research protocol consisting of T-cell receptor & modulator meds. This treatment is naturally not covered by insurance, as it is not amongst the more traditional treatments. We were told
that if there was any chance to extend Jeffs life, it would be from this protocol. This type of treatment cost $2,800 every 6 weeks. Scott, Jeffs husband, had to leave his job in Finance to care for Jeff full time & has exhausted his pension. All of Jeffs money has also gone to these treatments. They have borrowed from family & friends to the point that they are all tapped out. Scott did start a Spa Company making Organic soap products for people & dogs to help supplement their income, but it is never enough.
Jeff lives every day in great pain as this disease has progressed throughout his body. He is now partially blind in his right eye, deaf in the right ear and has no strength or feeling on his left side. He uses a cane and wheelchair. He has fallen a few times even once breaking his forearm and fracturing his hip. He has now been accepted into a NEW research study put forth by the NCI, Washington, D.C. This treatment shows a great deal of promise in extending a cancer patients life & has already shown the shrinkage of several of Jeffs tumors. Our mission is to keep on course with treatments hopefully giving Jeff a quality of life he deserves. He is a fighter & wants to live as long as possible.
I personally think that Jeff is one of the strongest people I have ever had the privilege of knowing in my life. Even through all his pain, he manages to smile for the rest of us. He is a true warrior & selfishly, I would love to keep him around forever. Your Support, Caring and Sharing continue to make a difference for this incredible & courageous Husband, Father, Son, Brother and Friend.
Thank you!

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