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Jeremias Williams Family Home Destroyed by Fire

On February 28, 2021, Jeremias “Mias” Williams appeared on American Idol. He didn’t win a Golden Ticket but he won the hearts of millions of Americans. Lionel Richie said “Not yet . . . but I want to see you back!”

One month later, in the early hours of March 31, the parents of Mias, Eunice, and Margie Williams, lost their home to a devastating fire – they are safe but there is nothing left but rubble and ruins of the less-than-modest house that Mias called home.


Mias did not ask for this GoFundMe page to be started. We, some of the many friends of Mias, have started it because of the inspiration that Mias provides – we are friends from Apopka High School, friends from his fire station and just friends. We don’t know the best plan for Mias’ parents but we do know that it will take many dollars, whatever the plan. And it is difficult to choose between options until it is known how much money is available. Mias’ parents have extremely limited income – only a few hundred dollars a month from Social Security.

You may ask, “Didn’t they have insurance?” Short answer is, “No!” Have you ever tried to get insurance on an 80 year old frame house!? So, “No, there are no insurance funds available and that’s why we are willing to initiate this project.” There are a few options: Rebuild on the property – buy an existing manufactured home on a rented lot or, simply try to find housing to rent on limited income. MIas’ parents simply want to “go back home!” And in the meantime they are living with their daughter in a crowded apartment and temporary housing needs to be found. But the debris must be cleared from the lot to avoid code enforcement fines.

We don’t know the best option at this time. since much depends on what the zoning department will allow. But we do know that Mias’ parents have lost everything and we want to help. We believe that it will take a fund of $40,000 or more to provide resources to help plan for their future. A bank account has been opened for “Jeremias Williams Family Trust” and all donations will be managed by Mias and two other individuals who will evaluate how best to use the funds.

PLEASE DONATE at https://www.gofundme.com/f/jeremias-williams-family-home-destroyed-by-fire

Jerry Cruz

Tops SEO Expert, Social Media Influencer and Editor. Having published and edited more than 4700+ Articles in the last 6 years definately a PRO!

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