Justins chance to regain eysight Viral Exposure Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign Exposure
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Brittany Williams Padgitt
on behalf of Justin Padgitt
In 2014 my husband Justin had an optic nerve stroke in both eyes leaving him legally blind and not able to work or drive. This just so happened to be the samtime that we had our first child a healthy baby boy. At what should have been a beautiful time in our lives was partly heart breaking at the same time because Justin could not see his baby boys face. He could not see the color of his eyes or hair he could not tell which of us he looked like. It was so hard for me to witness I know he was so happy but sad at the same time. Two years later we brought a healthy little girl into the world and again the same sadness over shadowed the birth of our child. For the last 3 years he has been a stay at home dad of 2 kids under 3. As you can imagine becoming blind there are already alot life struggles that you have to deal with and things you have to relearn. Well he had to do it while taking care of both kids as well while I was at work. Unfortunately there will always be a sadness over shadowing Justin while raising his kids. Most of us take our kids to the park or play sports with out batting an eye. Justin can not teach his son to catch a baseball or watch him play soccer as he recently did for the first time. He can not do one on one things with his kids like go to the movies or take they to he store because he can no longer drive.
This treatment can give Justin the chance to possibly do that again. Please read about the treatment below to understand how the process works.
We are trying to raise this money so that my husband can go to Florida to receive a stem cell treatment called the Stem Cell Ophthalmology Treatment that has a chance of bringing back some of his vision.
The treatment is a transfer of active bone marrow derived adult stem cells to an area that has sustained cellular damage. Justin will have to be there for 1 week. He will have to under go surgery to take bone marrow from his pelvis. They will then process the stem cells and deliver them to the damaged area. He will then have 2 follow ups before sent home.
This treatment has the chance of giving Justin up to 70% of his eyesight back which would make him almost normal and able to work and drive.
Please help our family get back to normal so that we can achieve our dreams as a family.
Thank you
The Padgitt family