
Louie’s Top Surgery Fund! GoFundME Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign

Hey, my name’s Louie and I’m a 25 year-old trans babe.

If you don’t have the time, here’s the short version: I’m trying to raise funds for a future double mastectomy (and some reconstruction) to give me the chest of a typical male so I can walk through this world suffering a little less. (A lot less.)

Longer version:

My goal is to have top surgery in two years. I believe that between all of us, this can be achieved. I know it’s early but I figure putting this call for help out there would be better done sooner than later. Anyway, I’ve done much research and at the moment I’m inclined to want Dr. Kathy Rumer, DO in Pennsylvania to be my surgeon. Whatever funds you donate would go towards this surgery and whatever additional medical costs that may follow.

For as long as I could remember I have always felt, at best, uncomfortable in my body and, at worst, horrifically disconnected from it and the way others perceived me. I’m pleased to say that since coming out as trans I have seen and felt a significant change in my mental state and behaviors. And I find that as afraid as I am of the world, I am no longer warring with myself. (Honestly, I’m feeling some tears coming on as I read that sentence out loud. The bittersweet kind. The mourning, healing, relieved kind.)

But this is only the beginning.

Currently I am paying for counseling and hormone replacement therapy (taking testosterone) out of my own pocket since I don’t have insurance. In about a year I will also shell out of pocket the money to change my gender markings on legal documents. But for something like top surgery, saving money myself means I would have to wait years longer than I genuinely feel my heart is capable. I am fortunate enough to have a part-time job in a very safe and understanding environment, but between living expenses and surprise car repairs, you know? You totally know.

So, this is where you come in! If you are able, the smallest donation and/or a quick share of my campaign to your friends/family/coworkers would make a difference. Please help me live my best life. Someday, when I am more finanically sound, I will do for others what you have done for me.

In the meantime, if you would like to follow along with my scattered thoughts as I transition, you can follow me on tumblr @ .

Thank you so, so much.

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