Business News

MMX Announces Its 2Q08 Results



2008-08-15 08:26:00

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL–(EMWNews – August 15, 2008) – MMX Mineração e Metálicos S.A.

(BOVESPA: MMXM3) (TSX: XMM) (“MMX” or “Company”), announces its results for

the second quarter of 2008 (2Q08) and for the first semester of 2008

(1S08). The financial statements presented at the end of this document were

prepared in accordance with the usual accounting practices adopted in

Brazil, based on Brazilian Corporate Law and CVM regulations (“BR GAAP”).


— MMX’s iron ore production totaled 1.430 thousand tons in the 2Q08, with

sales of 1.163 thousand tons, of which 57% to the domestic market and 43%

to exports markets.

— Net revenue reached R$90.1 million in the quarter reflecting the

increase in sales volume from MMX Sudeste and Corumbá, higher exports and

higher average prices.

— In April 2008, the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting approved the

split of MMX’s common shares, in the proportion of 20 shares for each

existing share.

— At the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on June 19, 2008, the

partial split-up of the Company was approved, with the allocation of

portions of its net worth to IronX and to LLX, under the terms of the sale

transaction of certain assets of MMX to Anglo American Participações em

Mineração Ltda (“Anglo American”).

— On June 20, the 30-day withdrawal period for shareholders began, due to

the partial split-up of the Company. The deadline for the withdrawal rights

ended on July 21, with no shareholder exercising its withdrawal rights.

Analysis of the Quarter’s Consolidated Result


MMX’s iron ore production totaled 1,430 thousand tons in the 2Q08, of which

1,009 thousand tons from MMX Sudeste and 421 thousand tons from MMX

Corumbá. In addition, MMX Corumbá produced 59.2 thousand tons of pig iron

in the period. In the first semester of 2008 the iron ore production

reached 2,656 thousand tons and the pig iron production totaled 112

thousand tons.

MMX Corumbá has carried on its iron ore production plan, aimed at producing

1.9 million tons in 2008. Up to the 2Q08, the iron ore production totaled

817 thousand tons. The pig iron plant reached its nominal production

capacity of 400 thousand tons per year in January 2008, after the operation

startup of its second blast furnace. However, in light of the lack of

certified charcoal supply in the region, MMX has decided to revise the 2008

production to 230 thousand tons, as released in a Public Announcement on

July 24. MMX has decided to adopt even more restrictive criteria than those

imposed by law until higher standards are enforced by all MMX suppliers.

Up to the 2Q08, the MMX Sudeste iron ore production totaled 1,839 thousand

tons. This level of production could have been even higher if it wasn’t for

the delay in the closing of a collective agreement with the employees to

implement 4-shifts in the operations and in the hiring of workforce, which

led MMX to revise its 2008 production to 4.3 million tons. The fourth shift

was implemented in mid-May and MMX Sudeste is carrying on its iron ore

production plan with estimated recovery of its effective production

capacity expected for 2009.


In the 2Q08, iron ore Sales volume reached 1,163 thousand tons, of which

57% directed to the domestic market and 43% to the export market. Of total

sales, MMX Sudeste contributed with 803 thousand tons and MMX Corumbá with

360 thousand tons. MMX Sudeste’s sales to the export market were negatively

affected by shipment problems at the Itaguaí port, where only 2 vessels

were shipped, out of the 10 scheduled. This situation has been partially

solved with the confirmation of 8 vessels to be shipped in the coming

months. In the first semester of 2008 iron ore sales reached 2,111 thousand

tons, of which 66% directed to the domestic market and 34% to the export

market, and pig iron sales totaled 87 thousand tons.

Net Revenue

Net revenue in the 2Q08 reached R$90.1 million and was positively

influenced by higher sales volume, higher exports volume, as well as higher

average market prices, as a result of the annual iron ore price adjustment.

Net revenue in the 1S08 was R$250 million.

Operating Revenue and Expenses

In the 1Q08, administrative expenses totaled R$12.8 million and sales

expenses amounted to R$38.3 million in the 2Q08, and in the 1S08 these

expenses amounted to R$65.7 million and R$69 million, respectively.

The negative other operating expenses of R$8.8 million in the 1Q08 reflect

the goodwill amortization from the Minerminas and AVG acquisitions of

R$14.9 million, which was partially offset by the reversion in the

provision for inventory write-down to market value, in the amount of R$6.1

million. In the 1S08 the negative other operating expenses of R$24 million

is due mainly to the goodwill amortization from the Minerminas and AVG



The 2Q08 EBITDA was R$56 million, positively affected by the decrease in

administrative expenses. In the 1S08 the accumulated EBITDA was negative

R$21.6 million. This indicator expresses the initial phase of MMX’s

operations, with production volume at a development phase, aimed at

reaching full capacity. The Company expects systematical improvements as

operations develop leading to sales increase.

Financial Result and debt

MMX recorded a net financial income of R$76 million in the 1Q08 and R$83 in

the 1S08 as a result of: (a) R$22.1 million interest income in the quarter,

obtained through the cash investment in marketable securities, and R$61

million interest income in the 1S08; (b) a R$55 million exchange rate

variation gain in the quarter — resulting from the effect of the 9%

appreciation of the Brazilian Real in relation to the US Dollar on the

foreign denominated debt, and R$68.3 million in the 1S08; and (c) R$1.1

million financial expenses in the quarter, mainly from interest payment on

debt, with R$45.9 million financial expenses in the 1S08.

MMX recorded net cash of (R$421) million in the 2Q08:

--  Cash and equivalents balance totaled 528.6 million on June 30, 2008.


--  Gross debt of R$950 million.


Non Operating Result

In the 2Q08, the Company recorded a negative non operating result of

R$252.3 million due to the exclusion of the capital gain obtained as a

result of the sale of a 15% stake in the former subsidiary LLX to Ontario

Teachers Pension Plan (OTPP). As a result of the partial split-up of the

Company’s shareholders equity, this amount is no longer a MMX result. In

the 1S08 this effect is nullified and the non operating result was of R$2.4


Net Loss

The Company recorded a net loss of R$181.6 million in the 2Q08, mainly due

to the negative non operating result which was partially offset by the

positive operating and financial results. The Company recorded a net profit

of R$2.6 million in the 1S08.


MMX continued its development plan in course, aimed at achieving the

scheduled execution timeline. Total capex in fixed and deferred assets

required in the Corumbá and Sudeste operations was of R$43 million in the

1Q08, and the total amount invested to date in MMX’s operations reached

R$456 million. In the first semester of 2008 investments amounted to R$86

million in MMX’s operations, of which R$66 million in the Corumbá and

Sudeste operations.

MMX’s New Business Plan, disclosed on July 24, 2008, estimates total capex

of US$1.5 billion up to 2015, of which US$62 million for MMX Corumbá

Mining, US$333 million for MMX Corumbá Metallics, mainly in the billets

plant, and US$1.1 billion in the expansion of MMX Sudeste.

Comments regarding the consolidated performance include information

regarding future investments and mineral production volume outlook, which

are not part of the quarterly revision scope, and therefore, were not

revised by KPMG Auditores Independentes.

Parent Company Financial Statements

Listed below are the highlights for the 2Q08 and for the 1S08:

--  Net financial revenue of R$17.9 million in the 2Q08 and R$33.6 million

    in the 1S08;


--  General and administrative expenses of R$20.4 million in the 1Q08 and

    R$34.1 million in the 1S08;


--  Negative R$252.3 million non operating result in 1Q08 due to the

    exclusion of the capital gain obtained as a result of the sale of a 15%

    stake in the former subsidiary LLX to Ontario Teachers Pension Plan (OTPP).

    As a result of the partial split-up of the Company, this amount is no

    longer a MMX result. In the first semester of 2008 this effect is



--  Shareholders' Equity of R$778 million at the quarter end.


MMX in Novo Mercado

MMX is listed on Bovespa’s Novo Mercado, under the ticker MMXM3. The

Company is included in the Special Corporate Governance Stock Index (IGC),

the differentiated tag along index (“ITAG”) and the Brasil Index

(“IBrX-100”). Shares are priced at unitary price and traded in units.

The capital stock is composed exclusively of common shares and minority

shareholders are entitled to the same treatment given to the controlling

shareholder in the eventuality of a control block trade (100% tag along

rights), as stated in the Company’s Bylaws.

On April 7, 2008, following the Company’s share split program, disclosed on

the IPO memorandum, the third split of the Company’s common shares was

approved, in the proportion of 20 shares for each existing share.

Therefore, the Company’s capital stock is now represented by 304,610

thousand shares.

By the end of the 2Q08 MMX’s free float reached 32.7%, represented by

approximately 2,500 shareholders participating in the Bovespa, of which

2,149 are individual investors.

MMX’s share price reached R$49.50 on June 30, 2008, corresponding to a

4.76% appreciation in the second quarter of 2008, a 5.3% appreciation in

2008 and 93% appreciation in 12 months. The market value reached R$15.1


In the second quarter of 2008, 45,751 thousand shares were traded in 38,747

transactions. MMX’s shares were present in 100% of the stock exchange’s

trading days, with a daily average of 605 transactions, 392% higher than in

the 1Q08, indicating an increase in the Company’s share liquidity.

MMX’s GDRs on the TSX

MMX is listed at the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) with its Level 1 Global

Depositary Receipts (“GDR”), since June 2007, under the ticker XMM. With

this initiative, MMX became the first Brazilian company to be listed in


After the share split approved in April 2008, each MMX share, which

previously corresponded to 20 GDRs, now corresponds to 1 (one) GDR. On June

30, 2008, the GDRs represented 10.7% of the Company’s free float,

corresponding to 10,704 thousand common shares.

Subsequent Events

Acquisition of the Bom Sucesso Mining Right

On July 3, 2008, the Company, through an indirect subsidiary of MMX Sudeste

Ltda., concluded the acquisition of the Bom Sucesso mining right for US$193

million, to be paid in four installments, with maturity in January, 2010.

The Bom Sucesso site is a greenfield project to be developed by MMX.

With this acquisition, the MMX Sudeste System is now composed of the Serra

Azul Unit — consisting of the already operationally integrated AVG and

Minerminas companies — and the Bom Sucesso Unit. The Company expects the

MMX Sudeste System to reach an annual iron ore production capacity of 33.7

million tons as of 2013, as disclosed in the New Business Plan released in

a Public Announcement on July 24, 2008.

Result from End of the Withdrawal Rights Period

On July 22, 2008, MMX released a Notice to Shareholders announcing that no

shareholder exercised its withdrawal rights as a result of the partial

split-up (the “Partial Split-up”). The deadline for the above mentioned

withdrawal rights ended on July 21st 2008.

The shares of IronX, LLX and MMX began trading separately in the BOVESPA

Novo Mercado segment on July 28, 2008. The initial share price for each

company was calculated by multiplying the portion of the net worth of MMX

allocated to each company, according to the Appraisal Report prepared by

KPMG Auditores Independentes, by the July 25 closing price of R$43.50. The

trading started with an auction having the following prices as reference:

MMX:   42.78% x R$43.50 = R$18.61

LLX:    9.15% x R$43.50 = R$3.98

IronX: 48.07% x R$43.50 = R$20.91

Federal Police Investigation Process

On July 11, 2008, the Federal Police initiated an investigative process

carried out through a search warrant issued by the 1st Federal Court of

Macapá in MMX Amapá and MMS Logística. On July 23, 2008, MMX Amapá

clarified, through a notice to the market, that:

The Amapá Railroad (“EFA” or the “Railway”) was built in 1957 by Icomi

(part of the Caemi Group) and returned to the State of Amapá in 2004, after

an intense legal dispute that took place after the State of Amapá refused

to assume the operations of the railroad that was running with recurring

monthly losses and with poor maintenance conditions.

In this context, MMX Amapá accepted the burden to operate the Railway on an

emergency basis under a 6-month contract, upon the State of Amapá

committing to carry out a bidding process for the privatization of the

Railway, as determined by a court decision, and to include in the rules of

the tender the obligation of the Railway concessionaire to compensate MMX

Amapá for the investments made under the terms of the emergency contract.

MMX Amapá undertook to invest at least R$3 million in 6 months without any

contractual assurances or additional collateral from the State of Amapá,

and assumed the obligation to continue operating the Railway at a

continuing deficit.

Thereafter, the bidding rules were published by the State of Amapá. In

accordance with the rules the winning bidder would simply be the company

who made the highest offer for the purchase of the EFA concession. Seven

companies declared their interest to participate in the bidding process and

conducted a survey of the Railway’s facilities. However, on the bid date,

January 31, 2006, only one company, of the MMX group posted the required

bid bond at an amount of approximately US$1.6 million.

The bidding process for the EFA concession was twice challenged before

courts, and all challenges were turned down confirming the legality of the

bidding process.

Contrary to what was published by the media — that the bid had been

“influenced” by MMX Amapá — the concession would be awarded to whomever

bid the highest price for the concession, and all requirements and

guaranties demanded from the bidders were proportional to the

responsibilities from the future operator of the Railway, and there clearly

has not been any intention to exclude suitable competitors from the bidding


The company of the MMX group that won the bid paid an acquisition price of

R$814 thousand for the EFA concession. In addition, MMX Logística

committed, as set forth by the bid rules, to make a minimum investment of

R$40.7 million during the first 2 years of the concession. The group’s

investments in the Railways to date have exceeded R$70 million, almost

double the minimum required by State. The EFA operates, until today, with

successive monthly deficits accumulating more than R$60 million of losses

to date.

Besides the investigation on the concession bid, there are investigations

concerning alleged offenses related to the evasion of federal taxes by MPBA

(through the sale of gold) and an “exchange of favors” that MPBA would have

engaged with certain companies indirectly related to the state government.

MPBA does not belong to the same group as MMX since January 2004. At that

time MPBA did not carry out the production of gold in the State.

After revising all documents related to the investigation, Anglo American’s

consultants, that company and Eike Batista, MMX’s and IronX’s controlling

shareholder, concluded the operation which led to Anglo American acquiring

control of IronX, the company that controls the Minas-Rio and Amapá Systems

iron ore projects.

In regards to the ongoing investigation in Brazil, Mr. Batista has offered

a personal indemnity, with no additional obligation on MMX, to cover any

potential losses that may be incurred by Anglo American Participações as a

result of the investigation. Anglo American Participações has accepted the

terms of the indemnity.

Anglo American Acquires the Control of IronX

On August 5, 2008, MMX, IronX Mineração S.A. (“IronX”) and Anglo American

Participações em Mineração Ltda. (“Anglo American”), announced to the

market that Anglo American has acquired all shares of IronX directly owned

by Mr. Eike Batista and certain other selling shareholders related to Mr.

Eike Batista (the “Acquisition”).

As a result of the Acquisition, Anglo American purchased, in cash, from Mr.

Eike Batista and the other selling shareholders 193,462,160 common shares

representing 63.3% of IronX’s capital stock for an amount of approximately

R$5.4 billion, representing a price of R$28.147 per common share of IronX.

Once the Acquisition has resulted in the transfer of control of IronX,

Anglo American will launch a tender offer for the common shares held by the

remaining IronX shareholders, in accordance with the terms and conditions

of article 254-A of the Brazilian Corporate Law, CVM Instruction No. 361

and item 8.1 of the Rules of the Novo Mercado issued by Bovespa (the

“Tag-Along Offer”), at the same IronX price-per-share paid to Mr. Eike

Batista and the other selling shareholders. The total purchase, including

the Acquisition, for 100% of the outstanding shares of IronX, if the

Tag-Along Offer is successful, will amount to approximately R$8.6 billion.

Furthermore, according to a formal communication filed by Anglo American at

the headquarters of the Company on March 31st, 2008, Anglo American intends

to implement, concurrently to the Tag-Along Offer, a public offer to delist

IronX and to withdraw IronX from the Novo Mercado segment of the Bovespa

(the “Delisting Offer”). If the valuation made according to the laws and

regulations applicable to the Delisting Offer reaches an amount per-share

that is higher than the per-share price paid to Mr. Eike Batista and the

other selling shareholders, Anglo American will decide whether or not to

proceed with the Delisting Offer. If Anglo American decides not to proceed

with the Delisting Offer it will nevertheless maintain and implement the

Tag-Along Offer.

To this extent, the current management of IronX has called an extraordinary

shareholders’ meeting to be held on August 18th, 2008, which will decide

upon, amongst other things, the (i) delisting of IronX from the Novo

Mercado segment, and the (ii) engagement of the financial institution or

specialized firm responsible for the preparation of the valuation report of

the economic value of the shares of the Company.

Comments regarding parent company performance include information regarding

future investments and mineral production volume outlook, which are not

part of the quarterly revision scope, and therefore, were not revised by

KPMG Auditores Independentes.

MMX Mineração e Metálicos S.A.

(Public Company)

Balance Sheet

as of June 30, 2008 and December 31, 2007

(In R$ '000)

                                Parent Company          Consolidated

                           ----------------------- -----------------------


                               6/30/08    12/31/07     6/30/08    12/31/07


    Cash and equivalents       393,235     368,931     528,579   1,424,938

    Accounts Receivable              -           -      61,104      40,510

    Inventories                      -           -     140,826     153,968

    Sundry advances              3,756       5,715      18,028      41,147

    Recoverable taxes           31,102      23,118      43,606      36,479

    Restricted Deposits          4,848       6,375       4,848       6,375

    Contractual retention       11,438      42,992      11,438      42,992

    Prepaid expenses                58          58         742       1,924

    Accounts Receivable -

     transfer of fixed

     assets                          -      13,359           -           -

    Other receivables              140           6         577       1,368

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

                               444,577     460,554     809,748   1,749,701

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

  Non Current

   Long Term

    Sundry advances                  -           -      11,230      41,621

    Recoverable taxes              223         124      23,891      47,877

    Prepaid expenses               179         203         233         257

    Judicial deposits                8           8         306         611

    Subsidiaries and

     associated companies      168,950     316,417       3,455       4,449

    Loans to third party             -           -       2,887       2,774

    Inventories                      -           -       2,872           -

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

                               169,360     316,752      44,874      97,589

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

  Permanent Assets

    Investments                242,141   1,077,377       1,214       3,396

    Intangible                     604         810     619,014     744,746

      Provision for

       investment losses         (9780)      (9780)      (9780)      (9780)

      Goodwill from the

       acquisition of

       subsidiaries              9,784       9,990     571,826     457,499

      Mining rights and

       concessions                 600         600      52,013     285,156

      Obligations related to

       withdrawal of assets          -           -       4,955      10,101

      Right of Way                   -           -           -       1,770

    Fixed                       39,155      16,698     370,618   1,115,104

    Deferred                         -           -      49,166     278,953

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

                               281,900   1,094,885   1,040,012   2,142,199

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

                               895,837   1,872,191   1,894,634   3,989,489

                           =========== =========== =========== ===========

MMX Mineração e Metálicos S.A.

(Public Company)

Balance Sheet

as of June 30, 2008 and December 31, 2007

(In R$ '000)

                                Parent Company           Consolidated

                            ----------------------- -----------------------


                                6/30/08    12/31/07     6/30/08    12/31/07


    Suppliers                     8,987      15,351      40,593     129,116

    Loans and Financing             754         548     333,263     701,900

    Taxes and contributions

     payable                      4,106      13,594      27,580      61,420

    Salaries and payroll            274       4,528       2,621      17,564

    Provision for losses

     from derivaties                  -           -           -      20,495

    Investment acquisition

     liabilities                      -           -     144,549     149,192

    Fixed assets


     liabilities                      -           -           -      12,004

    Subsidiaries and

     associated companies         1,211         682         544       2,851

    Income tax and social

     contribution payable             -           -       2,948      84,859

    Provision for uncovered

     liabilities                 14,824      12,959           -           -

    Third party payables         78,906                  78,906

    Other liabilities             1,560       2,948       7,917      41,360

                            ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

                                110,622      50,610     638,921   1,220,761

                            ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

  Non current

   Long Term

    Loans and Financing           6,823       7,909     108,069     388,239

    Taxes and contributions

     payable                          -           -         511         972

    Investment acquisition

     liabilities                      -           -     364,109     437,038

    Obligation related to

     withdrawal of assets

     and reforestation                -           -       5,758      12,431

    Provision for

     contingencies                    -           -       4,042         242

    Fixed assets


     liabilities                                  -                       0

    Results for future

     years                            -           -           -      68,774

    Other liabilities                 -           -         804       3,776

                            ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

                                  6,823       7,909     483,293     911,472

                            ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

   Minority Interest                  -           -      (5,972)     43,584

                            ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

  Shareholders' Equity

    Capital stock               775,799   1,142,804     775,799   1,142,804

    Profit Reserve                    -     670,868           -     670,868

    Accumulated losses            2,593           -       2,593           -

                            ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

                                778,392   1,813,672     778,392   1,813,672

                            ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

                                895,837   1,872,191   1,894,634   3,989,489

                            =========== =========== =========== ===========

MMX Mineração e Metálicos S.A.

(Public Company)

Income of Statement

as of June 30, 2008 and 2007

(In R$ '000)

                                Parent Company           Consolidated

                           ----------------------- -----------------------

                              06/30/08    06/30/07    06/30/08    06/30/07

Gross operating revenue              -           -     269,862      50,551

    Deductions                       -           -     (19,704)       (601)

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Net operating revenue                -           -     250,158      49,950

Cost of goods sold and

 services rendered                   -           -    (167,401)    (38,486)

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Gross income (lost)                  -           -      82,757      11,464

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Other operating revenue


  Administrative and

   general                     (34,128)    (20,318)    (65,738)    (29,590)

  Selling                            -           -     (69,031)    (35,666)

  Financial revenues            35,011      58,792      60,989      61,000

  Financial expenses              (552)     (1,147)    (45,898)    (16,712)

  Exchange rate variation,

   net                            (889)        225      68,298      13,171

  Equity result                 14,566      (9,575)          -           -

  Provision for uncovered

   liabilities                 (11,415)           -           -           -

  Provision for the booking

   of inventories at market

   value                             -           -       3,647           -

  Goodwill amortization                                (27,827)

  Other operating revenue

   (expenses)                        -    (12,174)         181       2,823

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Operating income (loss)          2,593      15,803       7,378       6,490

  Non operating result               -           -       2,357           -

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Income (loss) before income

 tax and social

 contribution                    2,593      15,803       9,735       6,490

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

  Income tax and social

   contribution                      -     (7,732)     (10,621)     (7,732)

Income (loss) before

 minority interest               2,593       8,071        (886)     (1,242)

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

  Minority interest                  -           -       3,479       9,313

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Net income (loss) for the

 period                          2,593       8,071       2,593       8,071

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Net income (loss) per '000

 shares - R$                         -           1

                           =========== ===========

Number of shares at the end

 of the period (per '000

 shares)                                     7,608

                           =========== ===========

MMX Mineração e Metálicos S.A.

(Public Company)

Statements of Cash Flow

As of June 30, 2008 and 2007

(In R$ '000)

                                Parent Company           Consolidated

                           ----------------------- -----------------------

                              06/30/08    06/30/07    06/30/08    06/30/07

Cash flow from operating


   Net income (loss) for

    the period                   2,593       8,071       2,593       8,071

     Items not affecting

      working capital

       Depreciation and

        amortization               837          82      44,472       4,906

       Equity result            14,566       9,575           -           -

       Provision for


        liabilities              1,865      12,174           -           -

       Monetary variation

        and interest            11,047      (9,560)    (36,449)    (30,083)

       Minority interest             -           -     131,389      49,780

       Gain from change in

        percentage of

        interest held in

        subsidiraries                -           -           -           -

       Residual cost on

        disposal of fixed

        assets                      15           -      45,762       3,804

     Changes in assets and


       Increase in


        retentions              31,554     104,539      31,554     104,539

       Increase (decrease)

        in restricted

        deposits                 1,528        (146)      1,527        (146)

       Increase (decrease)

        in inventories               -           -      (1,959)    (84,539)

       Increase (decrease)

        in accounts

        receivable                   -      (8,984)    (36,190)    (71,256)

       Subsidiaries and

        associated companies         -           -         561           -

       Increase in other

        credits                  7,125           -    (110,851)          -

       Increase (decrease)

        in suppliers            (6,365)       (674)    (28,206)     30,300

       Increase in payable

        income tax and

        social contributions         -           -      42,852           -

       Increase in payable

        taxes and

        contributions          (9,488)           -       8,098           -



        liabilities                  -           -      39,169           -

       Increase (decrease)

        in other liabilities    73,263      10,812       (312)     540,006

       Increase in



        liabilities                  -           -      39,116           -

       Increase in future

        results                      -           -     288,502           -

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

   Net cash generated by

    (used in) operating

    activities                 128,540     125,889     461,628      69,382

Cash flow from investing


   Credit from related parties

      Acquiried loans         (173,422)   (204,517)          -           -

      Settled loans            311,507     170,817           -           -

   Provision for losses with

    derivatives                      -           -     (20,495)          -

   Acquisition for permanent

    investments in other

    companies                 (333,887)   (147,222)   (204,152)     (9,780)

   Decrease in the amount for

    investment acquisition           -           -           -    (76,967)

   Obligation related to

    withdrawal of assets             -           -     (1,360)           -

   Acquisition of permanent

    assets                     (23,309)       (557)   (607,169)   (361,985)

   Write-off rights                  -           -           -         525

   Acquisition of mining

    rights                           -           -      17,383     (11,027)

   Additions to deferrred

    assets                           -           -   (264,464)      51,764

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

   Net cash generated by

    (used in) investing

    activities                (219,111)   (181,479) (1,080,257)   (407,470)

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Cash flow from financing


   Capital decrease, net      (367,005)          -           -           -

   Decrease in profit

    reserves                  (670,868)          -           -           -

   Loans and financing

      Acquired loans                 -           -     704,077     464,711

      Settled loans               (334)    (10,038)   (416,342)   (158,033)

Debits with related parties

      Acquired loans            57,230           -           -           -

      Settled loans            (58,911)          -           -           -

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

   Net cash generated by

    (used in) financing

    activities              (1,039,888)    (10,038)    287,735     306,678

   Net effect from split-up  1,154,763           -    (565,465)          -

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Statement of increase

 (decrease) in the cash and


   At the beggining of the

    period                     368,931     727,843   1,424,938     779,212

   At the end of the period    393,235     662,215     528,579     747,802

                           ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

   Increase (decrease) in

    cash and equivalents        24,304     (65,628)   (896,359)    (31,410)

                           =========== =========== =========== ===========

Jordan Taylor

Jordan Taylor is Sr. Editor & writer from San Diego, CA. With over 20 years and 2650+ articles edited rest assured your Press Release will see traction.

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