Crowd Funding News

Disabled Mother of 3 in need of help GoFundME CrowdFunding Exposure

I am a single mother of 3 children. I am legally disabled to to a kidney disease I suffer from that I was diagnosed with in 2008. My kidney disease consist of re-accuring kidney infections which results in kidney failure.

I have had surgery on my left kidney due to my severe kidney infections and i have been recently advised by my doctor to have a second surgery on my right kidney. I also suffer from Anxiety, insomnia, and PTSD since im a survivor of domestic violence.

I take 14 different medications dailey for my physical and mental illnesses. My 10 year old daughter also suffers from vasculitory bi-urinary reflux which she requires special care for. My children ages 16 boy,10 girl and 1 year old daughter mean the world to me. We were evicted September 6th and since then been in motels struggling to pay the rent till we can get an apartment.

I am currently not receiving any child support from my sons father and limited child support from my 2 daughters father because he is unemployed and has never had stable income. Within the eviction we lost everything including having are car towed the same day and i didnt have the means to get it out of towing company, so we lost our apartment, all our belongings and our car the same day.

This was devastating to me and my kids. I have received help from OLPH church, St. Vincent de paul, and glenview township as well as catholic charities to keep us in motels this long. I have exhausted all resources and with the holidays hear I am desperate to get my kids in an apartment, get a vehicle for the doctor i attend 3 times a week and get some of our belongings and furniture back when and if we get our apartment.

Please anyone who can help with anything would mean thean the world to myself and children. We left our last place with only the clothes on our backs. Beds, couches t.v’s, my baby’s crib, precious memories and items ( pictures, baby books, first haircuts, personalized christmas ornaments, memorabilia of my mom who past when I was 16 and 7 months pregnant with my son also my aunt who past when I was only 11 years old.

These items cant be replaced and we are at piece with that, But giving my kids the gift of a apartment and a car for us to get around and some of the belongings we lost will help us stay together and safe and hopeful towards our future.


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