Crowd Funding News

My twin brother spine Surgery GoFundME Boost CrowdFunding Campaign

It’s my twin brother spine surgery. Two years ago, my twin brother got into a bad car accident, along with his wife and child(u can edit not sure). By the grace and mercies of God, his family was not affected. However, my brother was severely injured.

As a result of the accident, he damaged nine discs in his back. He has gone through alot of treatments, but now he has to do a knee surgery, as a walk towards recovery. Because of the accident, he lost both of his jobs. In addition, he is physically and emotionally scarred. Since the accident, he is unable to stand at long intervals or even sleep in his own bed. My brother is in constant pain and discomfort.

At this time, I am asking for financial assistance to raise money so that some of the pain can be alleviated, in order to aid in him getting back to his life of being the breadwinner of his family, and going back to a normal life of sleeping comfortably, driving, etc.

Thank you for your assistance-anything is greatly appreciated. God bless you.

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