Business News

New ArcSight Logger Adds Real-Time Analysis and Event Mining to Reduce Investigation Time, Effort, and Cost



2008-07-30 07:00:00

New ArcSight Logger Adds Real-Time Analysis and Event Mining to Reduce Investigation Time, Effort, and Cost

New ArcSight Logger Adds Real-Time Analysis and Event Mining to Reduce Investigation Time, Effort, and Cost

ArcSight SIEM Platform Brings New Forensics-on-the-Fly Capabilities to Organizations of All Sizes

CUPERTINO, CA–(EMWNews – July 30, 2008) – ArcSight, Inc. (NASDAQ: ARST), a

leading provider of compliance and security management solutions that

protect enterprises and government agencies, today announced a new release

of ArcSight Logger that provides “forensics on the fly.” This capability,

now available across the entire ArcSight SIEM platform, enables IT and

forensics teams to quickly conduct informative top-down investigations.

These teams can immediately drill down into source events from dashboards,

reports, searches, and alerts both in real-time and in support of

after-the-fact compliance audits.

Other vendors force users to choose between real-time drill downs for event

mining and high-speed log collection and storage. ArcSight provides the

ability to mine events directly from alerts and reports across its log and

event management products in real time without the need for highly trained,

expert security analysts.

“One of the key reasons we selected ArcSight ESM was for its capabilities

around rapid investigation of threats and violations,” said Paul Melson,

information security officer, Priority Health. “Now, we have the ability

to conduct ‘forensics on the fly’ just as easily with ArcSight Logger,

which allows us to further accelerate our investigation turnaround time for

compliance violations and system health issues across our entire enterprise

while increasing our staff efficiency and reducing our costs.”

Faster Investigations Save Time, Effort, and Costs

With today’s growing and sophisticated threat environment, the ability to

quickly detect threats, conduct root cause analysis, and minimize business

risk has become a business imperative.

ArcSight forensics-on-the-fly capabilities enable organizations to

accelerate resolution time, increase staff efficiency, and reduce costs

through intuitive, interactive dashboards. Drill-down capabilities and

pre-built navigation paths eliminate the need to conduct separate

drill-down investigations and significantly reduce the complexity and time

associated with root-cause analysis.

--  Users are presented with interactive and personalized dashboards that

    combine relevant reports into a single role-based view.

--  From these aggregate dashboards, users can drill into and across

    reports and investigate potential violations.

--  Users can further analyze report results using an intuitive search

    interface to conduct quick-and-easy ad hoc investigations for root-cause


--  In turn, users can convert the search patterns into real-time alerts

    to ensure that subsequent matches lead to instant notification.

--  Finally, users can directly drill from any alert to underlying events

    that triggered the alert.


“The new release of ArcSight Logger can really improve the productivity of

log analysis and forensics,” said Jon Oltsik, senior analyst with

Enterprise Security Group. “With this announcement, ESG believes that

ArcSight has further increased its value to any enterprise by complementing

its powerful detection capabilities with this significant improvement in

real-time investigations and forensics.”

“Our ArcSight ESM customers have always enjoyed the ability to drill down

from correlated notifications into the events behind those notifications,”

said Reed Henry, senior vice president of marketing, ArcSight. “With this

release of ArcSight Logger, we have added this ability to mine events, or

as we call it, forensics on the fly, to our log management products,

delivering much needed productivity to log analysis and forensic

investigation. Now organizations of any size can quickly and cost

effectively conduct informative investigations to determine the root cause

of log alert events in real time.”

The ArcSight SIEM Platform

The ArcSight Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Platform

consists of an industry-leading integrated set of products for collecting,

managing, storing, and analyzing enterprise log data. The products cover

customer needs from those as simple as historical log reporting to real

time alerting and 24X7 security operations center notifications. The

platform includes these components:

--  ArcSight Connectors, for collecting log data in native format from

    more than 275 devices and applications, then normalizing the data to a

    common format.

--  ArcSight Logger and PCI Logger, for cost-effective storage and

    management of log data for compliance reporting.

--  ArcSight ESM, for multi-variable analysis of millions of events in

    real time, to detect data breaches as they occur.

--  ArcSight Compliance Insight Packages, for jump-starting compliance-

    related projects via pre-built rules, reports, and dashboards based on

    audit best practices.


The platform components are available as software and hardware deployment

options. The platform is also available as a hosted service from multiple

ArcSight MSSP partners.

For More Information

To learn more about the ArcSight Log Management Suite, visit

ArcSight was named a Leader in the most recent 2008 Gartner Group Magic

Quadrant for SIEM. ArcSight has been recognized in the Leader Quadrant for

the past five years.

About ArcSight

ArcSight (NASDAQ: ARST) is a leading global provider of compliance and

security management solutions that protect enterprises and government

agencies. ArcSight helps customers comply with corporate and regulatory

policy, safeguard their assets and processes, and control risk. The

ArcSight platform collects and correlates user activity and event data

across the enterprise so that businesses can rapidly identify, prioritize,

and respond to compliance violations, policy breaches, cybersecurity

attacks, and insider threats. For more information, visit

ArcSight, the ArcSight logo, ArcSight Logger and ArcSight PCI Logger are

trademarks of ArcSight, Inc.

Blake Masterson

Freelance Writer, Journalist and Father of 5

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