Business News

Patriot Coal Announces Results for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2008

2008-07-29 05:00:00

Patriot Coal Announces Results for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2008


   - Margins per ton improve 82%, driving EBITDA to more than $41 million

      - Coal markets remain robust, with average selling prices up 14%

                    - Magnum Coal acquisition completed

                      - Announced 2-for-1 stock split

   - Announced joint venture agreement to develop metallurgical reserves

          - Updated 2008 & initial 2009 guidance, including Magnum

    ST. LOUIS, July 29 /EMWNews/ -- Patriot Coal Corporation

(NYSE: PCX) today reported its financial results for the quarter ended June

30, 2008. The Company reported revenues of $339.7 million, EBITDA of $41.1

million, net income of $11.8 million and earnings per share of $0.22 for

the 2008 second quarter, after adjustment for the recently announced

2-for-1 stock split. This compares to historical results of $256.2 million

for revenues, $18.8 million for EBITDA and $5.8 million of net loss in the

2007 second quarter, and EBITDA of $17.1 million and a net loss of $3.1

million for the 2008 first quarter.

    After giving effect to pro forma adjustments, 2007 second quarter

EBITDA was $44.8 million and net income was $9.4 million. Both of these

2007 amounts were largely driven by $45.8 million in gains on property

sales. Gains on property sales in the 2008 second quarter totaled $6.3

million. Excluding the effect of gains on property sales year-over-year,

EBITDA was $35.7 million higher in the second quarter of 2008 primarily due

to significantly improved operating margins.

    "As we set out as a new public company, our stated strategies were to

tightly manage our operations, to maximize customer satisfaction, and to

pursue value-enhancing growth opportunities, all utilizing a

well-qualified, experienced team. I am pleased to report that Patriot's

actions and performance have been fully aligned with these strategies since

the spin-off. Our operating results have improved significantly, we have

captured value with new contracts and joint ventures, and we have almost

doubled our size with the Magnum acquisition. Further, with the addition of

Paul Vining and other key personnel from Magnum, we have added more

strength to our team," said Patriot Chief Executive Officer Richard M.

Whiting. "With the successful Magnum acquisition, we enter a new chapter in

our history as a significantly larger company with an enhanced footprint

and more opportunities to participate in the future demand for coal in the

U.S. and overseas."

    "Strong coal markets drove our average selling prices up 14% year-over-

year, with Appalachian pricing rising 19% compared to the 2007 pro forma

amount. Patriot's operating margin per ton increased 82% this quarter

compared to the year-ago pro forma amount. This improvement is an example

of the increased value Patriot creates as a separate company with our

dedicated management and operating team," said Patriot Senior Vice

President and Chief Financial Officer Mark N. Schroeder. "As a result of

continued tight coal markets, management focus and the addition of Magnum,

we expect Patriot to deliver strong results into 2009 and beyond."

    Financial & Operating Highlights

    2008 Second Quarter

    Tons sold in the 2008 second quarter totaled 5.9 million, up 0.5

million from the prior year. Most of this increase was associated with the

Illinois Basin, where volume increased 0.4 million tons. Metallurgical coal

represented 22% of tons sold in both the 2008 and the 2007 second quarters.

Volume increased 0.8 million tons in the second quarter of 2008 compared to

the 2008 first quarter.

    Revenues in the 2008 second quarter were $339.7 million, an increase of

$83.5 million over the prior year historical amount and $76.0 million over

the pro forma amount. Revenues in Appalachia increased $48.7 million over

the prior year pro forma amount, primarily as a result of significantly

higher average selling prices. Revenues in the Illinois Basin increased

$16.8 million, as a result of the higher volume coupled with higher average

selling prices. Appalachia Other revenues increased by $10.5 million over

the prior period amount to $11.2 million in the 2008 second quarter,

primarily as a result of structured settlements on a property transaction

and past due royalties.

    EBITDA was $41.1 million for the 2008 second quarter. After giving

effect to the pro forma adjustments and excluding the $45.8 million of 2007

gains on property sales, EBITDA in the 2007 second quarter was negative

$1.0 million. Gains on property sales in the 2008 second quarter totaled

$6.3 million.

    "Our operations turned in a solid performance this quarter, with

improved margins across all segments. In Appalachia, in particular, our

operating margin almost doubled to more than $14 per ton compared to a year

ago. And we achieved these strong results while expanding some of our mines

and experiencing increased costs related to steel, fuel, lube and other

materials and supplies, both at company and contractor-operated mines,"

continued Schroeder.

    Six Months Ended June 30, 2008

    Tons sold for the six months ended June 30, 2008 were 10.9 million,

compared to 11.1 million in the prior year. Revenues in the first half of

2008 were $624.0 million, an increase of $98.1 million over the prior year

historical amount and $84.5 million over the pro forma amount. Higher

revenues were primarily a result of significantly higher average selling

prices, particularly in Appalachia.

    EBITDA was $58.2 million for the first six months of 2008, compared to

$85.5 million in the year-ago period, after taking into account pro forma

adjustments. In the 2007 first half, Patriot realized gains on property

sales of $81.0 million. Gains on property sales in 2008 totaled $6.5

million. Excluding the effect of gains on property sales in both years,

EBITDA was $47.2 million higher in 2008, primarily due to significantly

improved operating margins.

    Safety Awards

    During the 2008 second quarter, three of Patriot's operations were

recognized for their 2007 safety performance by the Green River Council of

the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association. The Patriot Surface Mine, Grand

Eagle Preparation Plant and Dodge Hill Mine each received awards based on

their low reportable incidence rates. The Patriot Surface Mine and the

Grand Eagle Preparation Plant each had no reportable incidents in 2007.


    Patriot had revolver borrowings of $20.0 million as of June 30, 2008.

During the quarter, investments in joint ventures totaled $14.7 million and

fees associated with the Magnum transaction totaled $5.4 million. Capital

expenditures totaled $21.4 million in the 2008 second quarter and $33.4

million for the first half of 2008.

    During the 2008 second quarter, the Company entered into a private

placement of $200 million in aggregate principal amount of 3.25%

Convertible Senior Notes due 2013. Restricted cash as of June 30

represented the net proceeds from the Convertible Senior Notes, which were

considered restricted until and unless the acquisition of Magnum Coal

Company was consummated. Patriot subsequently applied the majority of the

net proceeds to reduce the principal balance of debt assumed in connection

with its acquisition of Magnum.

    Acquisition of Magnum Coal Company

    On April 2, 2008, the Company announced that it had signed an agreement

to acquire Magnum, and on July 23, 2008, the transaction was completed.

Magnum sold 18.3 million tons of coal in 2007 and 9.1 million tons in the

first half of 2008, and operates 11 mines and 7 preparation plants in

Central Appalachia.

    "I am proud of how quickly our teams were able to close this

transaction, knowing the regulatory, financing and integration steps

necessary. Our success gives me added confidence in Patriot's ability to

identify and finalize future strategic acquisitions," added Whiting. "With

the addition of Magnum, we have a much larger operating base in Central

Appalachia, opportunities for valuable operating and commercial synergies,

and a more diversified product portfolio with substantially higher

metallurgical coal capabilities. As the seventh largest coal producer in

the U.S. and the third largest in the eastern U.S., we now have additional

resources and capabilities to capture value in very robust coal markets."

    Joint Venture Agreement to Develop Metallurgical Coal Reserves

    On May 19, the Company announced it had entered into a joint venture

agreement to develop certain metallurgical coal reserves in Central

Appalachia. Patriot holds a 49% interest, based on its initial contribution

of coal reserves and $10.1 million cash. The venture is expected to build

production to over 500,000 annual tons by the end of 2008. Production at

this operation is expected to begin during the third quarter.

    Market Overview

    International coal demand continues to strengthen, while supply

struggles to meet the growing demand. China continues to be a major driver

in worldwide coal markets, with expected consumption increasing 15% this

year, and the import/export balance nearing break-even after years as a net

exporter. Blackouts are predicted in India due to coal shortages, and South

Africa's rebuild of coal stockpiles this spring has reduced its exports.

Meanwhile, on the supply side, operating issues at several large mines in

Russia have negatively impacted production as new safety measures are

implemented. Rail and port capacity in Australia continue to limit exports.

In metallurgical coal markets, world production of blast furnace iron is up

almost 6% compared to last year, also driven by strong demand in China.

    In the U.S., coal consumption for electricity is up approximately 10

million tons compared to the first six months of 2007. Permitting,

equipment and labor constraints, and safety regulations are reducing coal

production, particularly in Central Appalachia, where production is down

0.9 million tons year-to-date compared to last year. The combination of

greater domestic consumption, higher exports and reduced production has

caused Appalachian and Illinois Basin coal inventory levels to decline 14

million tons from year-ago levels.

    As a result of strong demand and limited supply, international and

domestic prices have risen 50% since April 1. The Company is participating

in the rising market, with Patriot and Magnum booking over 9 million tons

on a combined basis of new thermal business in the second quarter for 2009

through 2012 deliveries. Appalachian thermal coal was booked at

triple-digit prices per ton during the quarter. On Illinois Basin business

booked during the quarter, term prices on our higher-quality product were

in excess of $70 per ton, with annual price escalations.

    Coal is a key global energy source, providing electricity to an

energy-hungry world. Patriot believes growing demand and constrained supply

are long-term fundamentals of the coal market.


    "We are very bullish on the coal markets as we look toward 2009. We are

working closely with our customers to ensure we are in a position to meet

their future volume and quality requirements. As a result of anticipated

higher average selling prices, we expect to generate substantial cash from

our operations in 2009," commented Whiting. "With the closing of the

transaction last week, Magnum's results will be consolidated with Patriot

beginning July 23. Our updated guidance takes into account that over 25% of

our 2009 deliveries remain unpriced and it is early in the 2009 budgeting

process. Additionally, our estimates of operational and commercial

synergies will be further refined as we continue to integrate Magnum."

    For 2008, including Magnum beginning July 23, the Company anticipates

sales volumes in the range of 30.0 to 32.0 million tons and EBITDA between

$165 and $185 million. Earnings per share for 2008 will substantially

increase over prior guidance. This increase is a direct result of the

positive impact from purchase accounting adjustments related to the

valuation of existing sales contracts. Accretion related to below-market

sales contracts resulting from the acquisition of Magnum will be included

in the Company's net income, but will not be reflected in EBITDA.

    For 2009, including Magnum for the full year, the Company anticipates

sales volumes in the range of 41.0 to 44.0 million tons and EBITDA between

$750 and $950 million.

    As of June 30, 2008, including Magnum, less than 0.5 million tons of

expected 2008 volumes remained unpriced. Of the Company's expected 2009

volumes, 6.0 to 7.0 million tons and 5.0 to 6.0 million tons of met and

thermal volumes, respectively, remained unpriced as of June 30. Of expected

2010 volumes, 9.5 to 10.5 million tons and 17.0 to 18.0 million tons of met

and thermal volumes, respectively, remained unpriced as of June 30.

    Conference Call

    Management will hold a conference call to discuss the second quarter

results on July 29, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. Central Daylight Time. The conference

call can be accessed by dialing 800-288-9626, or through the Patriot Coal

website at International callers can dial

612-332-0107 to access the conference call. A replay of the conference call

will be available on the Company's website and also by telephone, at

800-475-6701 for domestic callers or 320-365-3844 for international

callers, passcode 954935.

    About Patriot Coal

    Patriot Coal Corporation is the third largest producer and marketer of

coal in the eastern United States, with 21 Company-operated mines and

numerous contractor-operated mines in Appalachia and the Illinois Basin.

The Company ships to domestic and international electric utilities,

industrial users and metallurgical coal customers, and controls

approximately 1.9 billion tons of proven and probable coal reserves. The

Company's common stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the

symbol PCX.

    Forward Looking Statements

    Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking as defined

in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements

involve certain risks and uncertainties that may be beyond our control and

may cause our actual future results to differ materially from expectations.

We do not undertake to update our forward-looking statements. Factors that

could affect our results include, but are not limited to: changes in laws

or regulations; changes in general economic conditions, including coal and

power market conditions; the outcome of commercial negotiations involving

sales contracts or other transactions; the Company's dependence on coal

supply agreements with Peabody Energy Corporation in the near future;

geologic, equipment and operational risks associated with mining; supplier

and contract miner performance and the availability and cost of key

equipment and commodities; the Company's ability to replace coal reserves;

labor availability and relations; availability and costs of transportation;

weather patterns affecting energy demand; ability to obtain mining permits;

legislative and regulatory developments; risks associated with

environmental laws and compliance; the outcome of pending or future

litigation; and the availability and costs of competing energy resources.

The Company undertakes no obligation (and expressly disclaims any such

obligation) to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement,

whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. For

additional information concerning factors that could cause actual results

to materially differ from those projected herein, please refer to the

Company's Form 10-K, 10-Q, S-4 and 8-K reports.

Condensed Consolidated Income Statements (Unaudited) For the Quarter Ended June 30, 2008 and 2007 (Dollars and tons in thousands, except per share data) Pro Forma Historical Quarter Quarter Ended Ended June June June 2008 2007 2007 Tons sold 5,861 5,345 5,345 Revenues Sales $328,469 $255,466 $262,897 Other revenues 11,211 755 755 Total revenues 339,680 256,221 263,652 Costs and expenses Operating costs and expenses 295,447 272,324 257,167 Depreciation, depletion and amortization 20,905 19,560 18,993 Asset retirement obligation expense 3,259 3,640 3,640 Selling and administrative expenses 9,488 10,889 7,475 Net gain on disposal or exchange of assets (6,336) (45,800) (45,800) Operating profit (loss) 16,917 (4,392) 22,177 Interest income (3,621) (2,120) (2,120) Interest expense 5,216 1,963 3,213 Income tax provision 3,507 - 10,107 Minority interests - 1,579 1,579 Net income (loss) $11,815 $(5,814) $9,398 Earnings per share, basic & diluted $0.22 EBITDA $41,081 $18,808 $44,810 Pro forma results include transactions associated with the company's spin-off from Peabody Energy, which was effective October 31, 2007. For the quarter ended June 30, 2007, pro forma results include a $7.4 million increase to revenues from repricing of a major coal supply agreement; a $15.6 million reduction of operating costs associated with the assumption by Peabody Energy of certain retiree healthcare liabilities; and a $3.4 million reduction of selling and administrative costs for Patriot's stand-alone management and administrative structure and functions. Pro forma financial information was derived from the company's historical combined financial statements and includes these adjustments, among others, to present results as if the spin-off of Patriot Coal from Peabody Energy occurred on January 1, 2007. This information is intended to be reviewed in conjunction with the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Basic and diluted earnings per share reflect a 2-for-1 stock split payable August 11, 2008. Earnings per share for 2007 is not presented for periods prior to the spin-off as Peabody and its affiliates were the sole owners prior to October 31, 2007. Condensed Consolidated Income Statements (Unaudited) For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2008 and 2007 (Dollars and tons in thousands, except per share data) Pro Forma Historical Six Months Six Months Ended Ended June June June 2008 2007 2007 Tons sold 10,946 11,094 11,094 Revenues Sales $607,570 $524,507 $538,099 Other revenues 16,444 1,377 1,377 Total revenues 624,014 525,884 539,476 Costs and expenses Operating costs and expenses 554,565 549,989 519,548 Depreciation, depletion and amortization 39,515 40,918 40,041 Asset retirement obligation expense 6,675 9,295 9,295 Selling and administrative expenses 17,777 21,798 15,450 Net gain on disposal or exchange of assets (6,530) (81,026) (81,026) Operating profit (loss) 12,012 (15,090) 36,168 Interest income (6,870) (4,766) (4,766) Interest expense 7,538 4,788 5,355 Income tax provision 2,595 - 17,055 Minority interests - 2,653 2,653 Net income (loss) $8,749 $(17,765) $15,871 Earnings per share, basic & diluted $0.16 EBITDA $58,202 $35,123 $85,504 Pro forma results include transactions associated with the company's spin-off from Peabody Energy, which was effective October 31, 2007. For the six months ended June 30, 2007, pro forma results include a $13.6 million increase to revenues from repricing of a major coal supply agreement; a $31.1 million reduction of operating costs associated with the assumption by Peabody Energy of certain retiree healthcare liabilities; and a $6.3 million reduction of selling and administrative costs for Patriot's stand-alone management and administrative structure and functions. Pro forma financial information was derived from the company's historical combined financial statements and includes these adjustments, among others, to present results as if the spin-off of Patriot Coal from Peabody Energy occurred on January 1, 2007. This information is intended to be reviewed in conjunction with the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Basic and diluted earnings per share reflect a 2-for-1 stock split payable August 11, 2008. Earnings per share for 2007 is not presented for periods prior to the spin-off as Peabody and its affiliates were the sole owner prior to October 31, 2007. Supplemental Financial Data (Unaudited) For the Quarter Ended June 30, 2008 and 2007 Pro Forma Historical Quarter Quarter Ended Ended June June June 2008 2007 2007 Tons Sold (In thousands) Appalachia Mining Operations 3,723 3,574 3,574 Illinois Basin Mining Operations 2,138 1,771 1,771 Total 5,861 5,345 5,345 Revenue Summary (Dollars in thousands) Appalachia Mining Operations $253,137 $196,980 $204,411 Illinois Basin Mining Operations 75,332 58,486 58,486 Appalachia Other 11,211 755 755 Total $339,680 $256,221 $263,652 Revenues per Ton - Mining Operations Appalachia $67.99 $55.11 $57.19 Illinois Basin 35.23 33.02 33.02 Total 56.04 47.80 49.19 Operating Costs per Ton - Mining Operations (1) Appalachia $53.86 $49.56 $49.77 Illinois Basin 33.94 32.29 32.29 Total 46.60 43.85 43.99 Segment Adjusted EBITDA per Ton - Mining Operations Appalachia $14.13 $5.55 $7.42 Illinois Basin 1.29 0.73 0.73 Total 9.44 3.95 5.20 Dollars in Thousands Past Mining Obligation Expense $21,622 $38,350 $22,450 Capital Expenditures (Excludes Acquisitions) 21,392 10,116 10,116 (1) Operating costs are the direct costs of our mining operations, excluding costs for past mining obligations, asset retirement obligations, and depreciation, depletion and amortization. Pro forma results include transactions associated with the company's spin-off from Peabody Energy, which was effective October 31, 2007. For the quarter ended June 30, 2007, pro forma results include a $7.4 million increase to revenues from repricing of a major coal supply agreement; a $15.6 million reduction of operating costs associated with the assumption by Peabody Energy of certain retiree healthcare liabilities; and a $3.4 million reduction of selling and administrative costs for Patriot's stand-alone management and administrative structure and functions. Pro forma financial information was derived from the company's historical combined financial statements and includes these adjustments, among others, to present results as if the spin-off of Patriot Coal from Peabody Energy occurred on January 1, 2007. This information is intended to be reviewed in conjunction with the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Supplemental Financial Data (Unaudited) For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2008 and 2007 Pro Forma Historical Six Months Six Months Ended Ended June June June 2008 2007 2007 Tons Sold (In thousands) Appalachia Mining Operations 6,903 7,224 7,224 Illinois Basin Mining Operations 4,043 3,870 3,870 Total 10,946 11,094 11,094 Revenue Summary (Dollars in thousands) Appalachia Mining Operations $465,899 $398,433 $412,025 Illinois Basin Mining Operations 141,671 126,074 126,074 Appalachia Other 16,444 1,377 1,377 Total $624,014 $525,884 $539,476 Revenues per Ton - Mining Operations Appalachia $67.49 $55.15 $57.04 Illinois Basin 35.04 32.58 32.58 Total 55.51 47.28 48.50 Operating Costs per Ton - Mining Operations (1) Appalachia $54.47 $49.15 $49.35 Illinois Basin 33.04 30.50 30.50 Total 46.56 42.65 42.77 Segment Adjusted EBITDA per Ton - Mining Operations Appalachia $13.02 $6.00 $7.69 Illinois Basin 2.00 2.08 2.08 Total 8.95 4.63 5.73 Dollars in Thousands Past Mining Obligation Expense $43,743 $76,722 $44,922 Capital Expenditures (Excludes Acquisitions) 33,422 26,486 26,486 (1) Operating costs are the direct costs of our mining operations, excluding costs for past mining obligations, asset retirement obligations, and depreciation, depletion and amortization. Pro forma results include transactions associated with the company's spin-off from Peabody Energy, which was effective October 31, 2007. For the six months ended June 30, 2007, pro forma results include a $13.6 million increase to revenues from repricing of a major coal supply agreement; a $31.1 million reduction of operating costs associated with the assumption by Peabody Energy of certain retiree healthcare liabilities; and a $6.3 million reduction of selling and administrative costs for Patriot's stand-alone management and administrative structure and functions. Pro forma financial information was derived from the company's historical combined financial statements and includes these adjustments, among others, to present results as if the spin-off of Patriot Coal from Peabody Energy occurred on January 1, 2007. This information is intended to be reviewed in conjunction with the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets June 30, 2008 and December 31, 2007 (Dollars in thousands) June 30, December 31, 2008 2007 (Unaudited) Cash and cash equivalents $2,993 $5,983 Receivables 163,179 125,985 Inventories 34,518 31,037 Other current assets 11,791 6,214 Restricted cash 193,100 - Total current assets 405,581 169,219 Net property, plant, equipment and mine development 876,895 876,289 Notes receivable 132,960 126,381 Investments and other assets 52,527 27,948 Total assets $1,467,963 $1,199,837 Short-term borrowings $20,000 $- Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 212,093 184,519 Total current liabilities 232,093 184,519 Long-term debt, less current maturities 210,453 11,438 Other noncurrent liabilities 925,257 921,564 Total liabilities 1,367,803 1,117,521 Common stock, paid-in capital and accumulated deficit 169,303 156,356 Accumulated other comprehensive loss (69,143) (74,040) Total stockholders' equity 100,160 82,316 Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $1,467,963 $1,199,837 This information is intended to be reviewed in conjunction with the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Reconciliation of Net Income (Loss) to EBITDA For the Three and Six Months Ended June 30, 2008 and 2007 (Dollars in thousands) (Unaudited) Pro Forma Historical Quarter Quarter Ended Ended Reconciliation of net income (loss) June June June to EBITDA: 2008 2007 2007 Net income (loss) $11,815 $(5,814) $9,398 Depreciation, depletion and amortization 20,905 19,560 18,993 Asset retirement obligation expense 3,259 3,640 3,640 Interest income (3,621) (2,120) (2,120) Interest expense 5,216 1,963 3,213 Income tax provision 3,507 - 10,107 Minority interests - 1,579 1,579 EBITDA $41,081 $18,808 $44,810 Pro Forma Historical Six Months Six Months Ended Ended Reconciliation of net income (loss) June June June to EBITDA: 2008 2007 2007 Net income (loss) $8,749 $(17,765) $15,871 Depreciation, depletion and amortization 39,515 40,918 40,041 Asset retirement obligation expense 6,675 9,295 9,295 Interest income (6,870) (4,766) (4,766) Interest expense 7,538 4,788 5,355 Income tax provision 2,595 - 17,055 Minority interests - 2,653 2,653 EBITDA $58,202 $35,123 $85,504 EBITDA is defined as net income (loss) before deducting interest expense and income, income taxes, minority interests, asset retirement obligation expense and depreciation, depletion and amortization. We have included information concerning EBITDA because we believe that in our industry such information is a relevant measurement of a company's operating financial performance and liquidity. Because EBITDA is not calculated identically by all companies, our calculation may not be comparable to similarly titled measures of other companies. The table above reflects the company's calculation of EBITDA. Pro forma results include transactions associated with the company's spin-off from Peabody Energy, which was effective October 31, 2007. These results include a $7.4 million and $13.6 million increase to revenues for the three and six months ended June 30, 2007, respectively, from repricing of a major coal supply agreement; a $15.6 million and $31.1 million reduction of operating costs for the three and six months ended June 30, 2007, respectively, associated with the assumption by Peabody Energy of certain retiree healthcare liabilities; and a $3.4 million and $6.3 million reduction of selling and administrative costs for the three and six months ended June 30, 2007, respectively, for Patriot's stand-alone management and administrative structure and functions. Pro forma financial information was derived from the company's historical combined financial statements and includes these adjustments, among others, to present results as if the spin-off of Patriot Coal from Peabody Energy occurred on January 1, 2007. This information is intended to be reviewed in conjunction with the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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